

Research progress on the genetic basis and QTL mapping of cottonseed protein and oil content


棉花是重要的经济作物之一,在国民经济中占据重要地位.棉籽作为棉花生产中的重要产物,富含优质的蛋白质和油脂.充分挖掘利用棉籽中的蛋白和油分资源,能够在一定程度上缓解粮食安全问题.随着棉籽的综合利用价值不断被重视,有关棉籽营养品质遗传改良等的研究取得了长足的进步.本综述介绍了棉籽蛋白与油分含量鉴定的常用方法,概述了这些性状的遗传特性和影响因素;对棉籽蛋白、油分含量与纤维产量及品质性状之间的相关关系进行分析;收集整理已报道的335个油分含量数量性状位点(quantitative trait locus,QTL)和196个蛋白含量QTL构建了一致性物理图谱;对棉籽蛋白与油分相关合成途径和调控基因等方面的研究进展进行总结,并展望了棉籽营养品质生物育种未来的研究方向,旨在为棉籽营养品质的遗传改良提供参考.

Cotton is an important economic crop in the world,occupying a significant position in the national economy.Cottonseed,as the main product of cotton production,is rich in high-quality protein and oil.Against the backdrop of the current shortage of protein and oil resources,fully exploring and utilizing the protein and oil resources in cottonseed can ensure the safety of edible oil supply and alleviate food security issues.With the increasing attention paid to the comprehensive utilization of cottonseed,the research on the genetic improvement of cottonseed nutritional quality is gradually increasing.This review provides an overview of the common methods for determining cottonseed protein and oil content,and summarizes the genetic characteristics and influencing factors of these traits.The relationships among cottonseed protein and oil content and fiber yield as well as the fiber quality traits were analyzed.A total of 335 quantitative trait locus(QTL)for oil content and 196 QTL for protein content were collected to construct a consistent physical map.In addition,the research progress of cottonseed protein and oil related synthetic pathways and regulatory genes were introduced,and the future research directions of biological breeding for cottonseed nutritional quality was prospected,which can provide a reference for the genetic improvement of nutritional quality in cottonseed.


中国农业科学院棉花研究所/棉花生物育种与综合利用全国重点实验室,河南安阳 455000中国农业科学院棉花研究所/棉花生物育种与综合利用全国重点实验室,河南安阳 455000||三亚中国农业科学院国家南繁研究院,海南三亚 572024


cottonseed proteincottonseed oilQTLphysical mapbiosynthetic pathwayregulatory genes

《棉花学报》 2024 (002)

145-162 / 18


