

Evaluation of the influences of deep buried coal seam mining on river safety


以文家坡煤矿 4105 工作面深埋覆水煤层开采为例,采用相似材料模拟和数值模拟方法,研究覆岩破坏和裂隙带发育规律,探究深埋煤层开采对红岩河安全的影响.研究表明:当工作面不断推进,采空区面积随之增加,覆岩在重力作用下发生弯曲变形,形成离层;当重力超过岩石变形极限时,覆岩会破坏变形,部分离层垮落消失,在垮落体上部发育新离层,两侧形成裂隙;4105 工作面垮落带高度稳定在 164 m;随着工作面的不断推进,导水裂隙带高度逐步上升,最终稳定在 244 m;地裂缝自地表向下延伸 32 m;导水裂隙带上方存在 414 m的岩层做保护层,未导通地表,未与地裂缝沟通,因此红岩河不会发生渗漏,煤层的开采不会对红岩河产生影响.

In this paper,taking the mining of deep-buried water-covered coal seam in 4105 working face of Wenjiapo Coal Mine as an example,similar material simulation and numerical simulation methods are used to study the law of overburden failure and frac-ture zone development,and to explore the impact of deep-buried coal seam mining on the safety of Hongyan River.The research shows that when the working face continues to advance,the goaf area increases,and the overlying rock is bent and deformed under the action of gravity to form a separation layer.When the gravity exceeds the rock deformation limit,the overlying rock will be des-troyed and deformed,and some separation layers will collapse and disappear.New separation layers are developed in the upper part of the caving body,and cracks are formed on both sides.The caving zone height of 4105 working face is stable at 164 m.With the continuous advancement of the working face,the height of the water-conducting fracture zone gradually increased and eventually stabilized at 244 m.The ground fissures extend 32 m downward from the surface.There is a 414 m rock layer above the water-con-ducting fracture zone as a protective layer,which is not connected to the surface and not communicated with the ground fissure.Therefore,Hongyan River will not leak,and the mining of coal seams will not affect Hongyan River.


西安科技大学 地质与环境学院,陕西 西安 710054||矿山地质灾害成灾机理与防控重点实验室,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 地质与环境学院,陕西 西安 710054



coal mining over watersimilar material simulationwater-conducting fracture zoneoverburden failurewater disaster

《煤矿安全》 2024 (005)


195-203 / 9


