

Intelligent shearer cutting control based on process driven technology


传统采煤机截割调控缺乏对采煤机滚筒状态的分析,导致截割模板生成质量低;未充分考虑工作面起伏情况和地质环境条件,无法得到最优截割路径;依赖采煤机自身控制单元无法及时调整滚筒高度.针对上述问题,提出了一种基于工艺驱动的采煤机智能截割调控方案.按照工作面液压支架编号,实时采集对应的滚筒截割高度数据,并结合滚筒截割高度历史数据对实时数据进行处理,生成符合工作面顶底板曲线趋势的采煤机截割模板;基于工作面顶底板写实数据、人工割煤经验,规划采煤机截割路径并进行实时干预,实现采煤机滚筒截割高度与工作面顶底板曲线的自适应耦合;通过编辑采煤工艺和设置截割模板数据,形成采煤工艺表文件,并依此调节采煤机滚筒截割高度,实现采煤机自适应调高控制.基于工艺驱动的采煤机智能截割调控方案应用于神东煤炭集团榆家梁煤矿 43207工作面,实现了无人化采煤常态化作业,将生产班工作面作业人员由 3人减少至工作面中部无人,采煤机自动割煤率达97%以上.

The traditional shearer cutting control lacks analysis of the state of the shearer drum,resulting in low quality of cutting template generation.It does not fully consider the undulation of the working face and geological environmental conditions,which makes it impossible to obtain the optimal cutting path.Relying on the control unit of the shearer itself cannot adjust the height of the drum in a timely manner.In order to solve the above problems,a process driven intelligent shearer cutting control scheme is proposed.According to the hydraulic support number of the working face,real-time collection of corresponding drum cutting height data is carried out.Combined with historical data of drum cutting height,real-time data is processed to generate a shearer cutting template that conforms to the trend of the working face roof and floor curve.Based on realistic data from the roof and floor of the working face and manual coal cutting experience,the method plans the cutting path of the shearer and performs real-time intervention to achieve adaptive coupling between the cutting height of the shearer drum and the curve of the roof and floor of the working face.By editing the coal mining process and setting the cutting template data,a coal mining process table file is formed.The cutting height of the shearer drum is adjusted accordingly to achieve adaptive height adjustment control of the shearer.The intelligent shearer cutting control scheme based on process driven technology is applied to the 43207 working face of Yujialiang Coal Mine in Shendong Coal Group.It achieves unmanned and normalized coal mining operations.The number of personnel in the production team working face is reduced from 3 to unmanned in the middle of the working face,and the automatic coal cutting rate of the shearer is over 97%.


北京天玛智控科技股份有限公司,北京 101399



shearercutting regulationprocess drivencutting templatepath planningdrum height adjustment

《工矿自动化》 2024 (005)

23-27,150 / 6


