

Frequency and Adequacy Constrained Unit Commitment Strategy


高比例电力电子化和高比例可再生能源特征加剧了新型电力系统频率失稳和供需失配风险.为了防控这两类风险,需要在系统运行调度中引入频率与充裕性约束,但这两类约束使模型计算复杂度激增,难以在运行尺度内高精度求解.因此提出了计及频率安全约束和充裕性约束的机组组合模型(frequency and adequacy constrained unit commit-ment,FACUC).首先,建立了系统频率响应模型和考虑运行约束的运行充裕性评估模型,并将两种约束纳入FACUC中.其次,提出了一种分解优化方法来求解所提出的优化模型,将原问题分解为一个混合整数线性规划(mixed integer linear programming,MILP)的主问题、基于仿真计算的频率安全性评估子问题和基于最优化的充裕性评估子问题.通过主子问题之间的依次迭代,最终对FACUC模型进行求解.基于改进的IEEE 39节点系统进行算例分析,结果表明所提出的FACUC模型在保证经济性的同时,能够有效提高系统的频率安全和充裕性.

The risks of frequency instability and power imbalance in new power systems have been raised due to the features of high-penetration power electronics and renewable energy sources(RES).To reduce these risks,it is necessary to consider the constraints of frequency security and adequacy in system operation dispatch.However,the two type constraints will significantly increase the computational complexity of the model,making it difficult to solve high accuracy during operation scale.A frequency and adequacy constrained unit commitment(FACUC)is proposed.Firstly,a system frequency response model and an adequacy evaluation model considering operational constraints are established.And the constraints of frequency security and adequacy are constructed in FACUC.Then a decomposition optimization algorithm is proposed to solve the proposed optimization model,which decomposes the original problem into a main problem of mixed integer linear programming(MILP),a simulation-based subproblem for frequency evaluation and an optimization-based subproblem for adequacy evaluation.Finally,the FACUC is solved by iterating among the main problem and subproblems.The example cases based on the modified IEEE 39-bus system are analyzed.The results show that the proposed FACUC model can effectively improve the frequency stability and adequacy of the system while ensuring economic efficiency.


南方电网科学研究院,广州 510663重庆大学电气工程学院,重庆 400044贵州电网有限责任公司,贵阳 550000



frequency response modeladequacy evaluationunit commitmentdecomposition algorithm

《南方电网技术》 2024 (005)


62-74 / 13

国家自然科学基金资助项目(52107072);中国南方电网有限责任公司重点科技项目(066500KK52222013);国家重点研发计划(2023YFA1011304). Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(52107072);the Key Science and Technology Project of China Southern Power Grid Co.,Ltd.(066500KK52222013);the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2023YFA1011304).

