

Observation and analysis of 9 kinds of nutrient deficiencies in'Shine Muscat'grape


[目的]本文旨在通过观察'阳光玫瑰'葡萄 9 种缺素表观差异并研究株高等生长指标以及叶绿素含量等生理指标,为及时进行营养诊断及指导田间施肥提供参考.[方法]以 1 年生'阳光玫瑰'葡萄扦插苗为材料,采用大棚内珍珠岩盆栽方式,设置改良霍格兰完全营养液(CK)和缺素(-N、-P、-K、-Ca、-Mg、-Fe、-B、-Zn、-Cu)营养液培养处理,分析各处理条件下植株的表观差异与生长生理指标.[结果]缺P、Mg和Zn时,'阳光玫瑰'发生症状更早;缺B、Cu和Mg时,株高生长明显缓慢,并且症状发生剧烈,死亡率高.与对照相比,'阳光玫瑰'缺Ca、缺B时叶片数量显著下降.缺素胁迫显著降低'阳光玫瑰'叶片叶绿素含量,但对叶片含水量影响较小.葡萄对缺素胁迫的抗性与MDA含量和SOD活性总体呈正相关,即含量与活性越大,抗性越强.[结论]'阳光玫瑰'对B和Mg元素的缺乏较敏感、耐性弱,对Zn元素的缺乏耐性较强.

[Objectives]The study aimed to observe the apparent differences of visual symptoms of 9 kinds of nutrient deficiencies in'Shine Muscat'and study the growth indexes such as plant height and the physiological indexes such as chlorophyll content,so as to provide reference for early nutrition diagnosis and fertilization guidance in the field.[Methods]The cutting seedlings of 1-year-old'Shine Muscat'as materials were cultured in perlite pot in greenhouse with modified Hoagland nutrient solution(CK)and nutrient deficiency solution(-N,-P,-K,-Ca,-Mg,-Fe,-B,-Zn,-Cu).The apparent visual symptoms of plants growth and physiological index under different treatment conditions were analyzed.[Results]When P,Mg and Zn were absent,'Shine Muscat'developed symptoms earlier.In the absence of B,Cu and Mg,the growth of plant height was obviously slow,the symptoms were severe and the mortality was high.Compared with stress control,the number of leaves of'Shine Muscat'significantly decreased when Ca and B were deficient.Deficiency stress significantly reduced the chlorophyll content of'Shine Muscat'leaves,but had little effect on leaf water content.The resistance of grapes to nutrient deficiency was positively correlated with MDA content and SOD activity,indicating that the higher the content and activity,the stronger the resistance.[Conclusions]'Shine Muscat'grape was sensitive to the deficiency of B and Mg elements but had a stronger tolerance to Zn element.


南京农业大学园艺学院,江苏 南京 210095江苏农业农村厅农技推广站,江苏 南京 210036



'Shine Muscat'grapenutrient solution culturenutrient deficienciesvisual symptomsgrowth and physiological indexes

《南京农业大学学报》 2024 (003)

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