

Screening and identification of mitochondrial targeted small molecular compounds against Japanese encephalitis virus


[目的]线粒体作为重要的能量代谢细胞器,不仅可以调控宿主先天免疫通路影响病毒复制,而且其生物学功能的改变与病毒生命周期密不可分.本文旨在确定抑制日本乙型脑炎病毒(JEV)的线粒体靶向化合物.[方法]通过体外CCK-8、间接免疫荧光、蛋白免疫印迹、RT-qPCR以及细胞因子检测等试验,对382种线粒体靶向化合物抗JEV的效果进行评价,筛选到的敏感药物在小鼠体内进行抗病毒效果验证.[结果]通过药物初筛,从 382 种药物中筛选出 9 种疑似抗JEV药物,进一步的体外分子试验筛选确定了其中 3 种药物对JEV复制有明显的抑制作用,分别为丙酮酸钠(sodium 2-oxopropanoate)、布喹那(brequinar)及松果菊苷(echinacoside).动物试验结果表明,3 种药物有效抑制了JEV在小鼠体内的增殖,给药组小鼠体重增加明显高于对照组,血液中的病毒含量更低,死亡率更低,细胞因子水平出现显著变化,其中以布喹那给药组最为明显.[结论]成功筛选出3 种抗JEV的线粒体靶向化合物,为探究线粒体在病毒复制中发挥的作用提供了借鉴,也为抗JEV的临床药物研发提供了新思路.

[Objectives]Mitochondria,an important energy metabolism organelle,can not only affect virus replication by regulating host innate immunity,but also its biological function changes are significant involved in virus life cycle.This study aimed to search for mitochondrial targeting compounds that inhibited Japanese encephalitis virus(JEV).[Methods]In this study,382 mitochondrial targeting compounds were indentified in vitro through experiments such as CCK-8,indirect immunofluorescence,Western blot,RT-qPCR and cytokine detection tests,and the screening results were further validated in mice.[Results]Through preliminary screening of drugs,9 suspected anti-JEV drugs were selected from 382 drugs.Further in vitro molecular screening determined that 3 of these drugs had significant inhibitory effects on JEV replication,namely sodium 2-oxopropanoate,brequinar and echinacoside.The results of mouse animal experiments showed that the three drugs effectively inhibited the proliferation of JEV in mice,and the body weight of the treated mice increased significantly compared to the control group.The virus content in the blood was lower,the mortality rate was lower,and the cytokine levels showed significant changes,with the most significant change in the buquinavir-treated group.[Conclusions]This study successfully screened three anti JEV mitochondrial targeting compounds,providing new idea for exploring the impact of mitochondria on viral replication,and also for clinical drug research on anti-JEV.


南京农业大学动物医学院,江苏 南京 210095



mitochondrionJapanese encephalitis virusantivirusdrug screeningmouseprotection rate

《南京农业大学学报》 2024 (003)

497-506 / 10


