

Patterns and Climatic Drivers of Plant Phenology on Campus:A Case Study of Hainan University


植物的物候格局通常随时间而变化,展叶、开花和结实的出现时间和数量因年而异,或因事件而异,然而,热带地区的物候格局在很大程度上仍然是未知的.该研究利用海南岛海口市海南大学校园3 年的物候监测数据,分析植物的展叶、开花、结实物候格局.对物候期与环境变量进行多重回归分析影响热带地区植物物候的主要气候因子.结果表明,热带地区植物物候格局具有明显的季节性,展叶、开花和结实分别集中在 4 月—6 月、4 月—8 月、5 月—11 月;影响展叶和开花物候格局的气候因子均为月均日照时长,每月结实物种数与气温相关,尤其是每月果实成熟物种数与月最低气温呈显著相关.不同功能群之间物候期存在差异,灌木展叶早于草本和乔木,风媒植物展叶早于虫媒植物,肉质果型植物展叶和果实成熟时间早于非肉质果型植物.乔木开花比草本和灌木早,非肉质果型植物开花时间比肉质果型植物早,风媒植物果实成熟早于虫媒植物.这些对将来预测热带物候事件具有重要意义.

The phenological patterns of plants tend to fluctuate,with variations occurring in the timing and amount of leaf-out,flowering,and fruiting from year to year or event to event.However,the phenological patterns in tropical regions are still largely unknown.The phenology of 126 plant species located in the campus of Hainan University in Haikou,Hainan Island were observed and recorded over three years,including leaf-out,flowering,and fruiting time.The main climate factors affecting plant phenology in tropical areas were analyzed by multiple regression analysis of phenology and environmental variables.The results showed that plant phenological patterns in the tropics were distinctly seasonal,leaf-out,flowering,and fruiting phenology occurred in April—June,April—August,and May—November,respectively.The climatic factors affecting the phenological pattern of leaf spreading and flowering were the average sunshine duration per month,and the number of fruit bearing species per month was correlated with air temperature,especially the number of fruit ripening species per month was significantly correlated with the monthly minimum air temperature.There were differences in the phenological periods among different functional groups.The leaf-out of shrubs was earlier than that of herbs and trees,leaf-out of wind-borne plants was earlier than that of insect-borne plants,and the leaf-out and fruit ripening time of fleshy-fruited plants were earlier than those of non-fleshy fruited plants.Bloom of trees was earlier than that of herbs and shrubs,which non-fleshy-fruited plants was earlier than fleshy-fruited plants,and fruit mature of wind-borne plants was earlier than that of insect-borne plants.These would be of great significance for predicting tropical phenological events in the future.


海南大学林学院,海口 570100


Plant phenologyCampus plantClimate factorFunctional groupTropics

《热带亚热带植物学报》 2024 (003)

339-348 / 10

海南省自然科学基金项目(320RC504);海南大学科研启动费项目(KYQD(ZR)1979)资助 This work was supported by the Project for Natural Science in Hainan(Grant No.320RC504),and the Project for Research Initiation of Hainan University(Grant No.KYQD(ZR)1979).

