

Lightweight Network for Point Cloud Classification Based on Gridding and Surface Features Encoder


点云携带着丰富的三维特征,其分类问题一直是深度学习领域的热点.现有点云分类网络的精度已经较为理想,但参数量与计算量过于庞大,不利于实际场景下的部署.针对该问题,提出一种轻量级点云分类网络Grid-Point.首先设计点云栅格化模块Gridding,根据点的坐标位置进行栅格区域划分;然后扩展坐标的高次项函数,对原始点云进行表面特征编码,增强对轮廓特征的表达;最后使用两次全局池化完成局部特征的提取与全局特征的聚合.使用经典点云数据集ModelNet40、ShapeNetCore与真实数据集ScanObjectNN进行分类与消融实验.实验结果表明,GridPoint的分类精度接近PointNet++等主流网络,差距在0.3%~2.3%之间;网络参数量与计算量分别为0.11 M与0.05 G,相较主流网络分别减少了81.7%和88.9%以上,在轻量化方面优势显著,具有良好的实用价值.

Point clouds carry rich three-dimensional features,and their classification problem has always been a hot topic in the field of deep learning.The accuracy of existing point cloud classification networks is already relatively ideal,but the parameter and computational complexity are too large,which is not conducive to deployment in practical scenarios.A lightweight point cloud classification network,GridPoint,is pro-posed to address this issue.Firstly,design a point cloud gridding module,which divides the grid area based on the coordinate position of the points;Then expand the higher-order term function of the coordinates,encode the surface features of the original point cloud,and enhance the expression of contour features;Finally,two rounds of global pooling are used to extract local features and aggregate global features.Perform clas-sification and ablation experiments using the classic point cloud dataset ModelNet40,ShapeNetCore,and the real dataset ScanObject NN.The ex-perimental results show that the classification accuracy of GridPoint is close to mainstream networks such as PointNet++,with a difference be-tween 0.3%and 2.3%;The network parameters and computational complexity are 0.11 M and 0.05 G,respectively,which are reduced by more than 81.7%and 88.9%compared to mainstream networks.They have significant advantages in lightweight and have good practical value.


江苏大学 电气信息工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013



deep learningpoint cloud classificationlightweight networkpoint cloud griddingsurface feature encoder

《软件导刊》 2024 (005)

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