

Theoretical Logic and Practical Consideration for Supporting Employers in Providing Nursery Services



Encouraging,supporting and guiding qualified employers to provide childcare services for employees in the workplace is an important link in the construction of China's inclusive childcare service system,which is also an important content of the three-child policy and supporting measures.There is theoretical logic basis for supporting employers to provide nursery services:1)From the perspective of social investment,it can not only improve the labor force participation rate of women,but also realize the investment in future human capital by protecting the rights and interests of children and their early development.Under the welfare pluralism theory,it embodies the shared responsibility of the state,society,enterprises,families and other multiple welfare providers.2)From the perspective of stakeholders,it is the performance of employers to actively undertake corporate social responsibility.Practically,supporting employer to provide nursery services is a positive measure to deal with new social risks such as the aging of population and employee's work-family conflicts.Compared with maternity supporting measures such as parental leave and childcare allowance,it is more in line with China's employment priority strategy.In the specific implementation,due to the unreasonable cost sharing of childcare services provided by the employer,the extended maternity supporting policies such as maternity leave,maternity allowance and childcare allowance have led to the excessive reproductive responsibility of the employer,which leads the enthusiasm of employer to provide childcare services for the employee being not high.In response to the above problems,firstly,we should clarify the liabitity subject of supporting employer to provide childcare services,and then build a responsibility sharing mechanism for state-led,family support and social participation.Secondly,based on China's maternity supporting policy system,we should make clear the substitutability supporting measures of time,money and service provided by employers,and encourage employees to choose personalized welfare programs of maternity support through negotiating with employers.


武汉大学 法学院,湖北 武汉 430072



employer nursery servicesmaternity supportwelfare pluralismwork-family conflict

《人口与经济》 2024 (003)

19-29 / 11


