

Spatial Divergence of Urban Human Capital in China from the Perspective of Industrial Development:Based on Panel Data of 288 Chinese Cities from 2008 to 2019


随着知识经济崛起和信息技术进步,创新驱动和技能互补逐渐成为推动产业高质量发展的重要着力点.利用 2008-2019 年中国 288 个城市面板数据,分析城市劳动力技能互补水平的变化趋势和城市人力资本的空间演化过程,并从产业劳动力供需的角度,对人力资本空间分化的内在机制进行检验.研究结果显示,我国高技能劳动力空间集聚、低技能劳动力由空间集聚转向分散,促使2008 年以来城市劳动力技能互补水平呈现先升后降的趋势,城市人力资本空间分化格局凸显.尤其是在超大、特大城市和产业结构高级化城市,其劳动力技能互补水平呈下降趋势.通过机制分析发现,这与生活性服务业发展动力不足、对低技能劳动力需求减少密切相关.相应地,对低技能劳动力需求的不足导致生活性服务业发展滞后,工资增长乏力,进一步拉大了高、低技能劳动力间的工资差距,降低了低技能劳动力的迁移意愿.然而,低技能劳动力在超大、特大城市仍能获得更高的城市工资溢价,加速其比例下降会削弱产业整体发展潜力.上述结论意味着,为使城市产业发展与劳动力市场相协调,应加快推进生活性服务行业的供给侧结构性改革,促使规模巨大、技能差异显著的人力资本得到优化配置,进而通过技能互补实现生活性服务业和新兴产业的融合发展,以提升产业发展的质量与效益.

With the rise of the knowledge economy and advancements in information technology,innovation-driven development and skill complementarity have increasingly become pivotal in driving high-quality industrial development.Based on panel data of 288 prefecture-level cities from 2008 to 2019 in China,this paper delves into the changing trends of skill complementarity level of urban labor and spatial evolution of urban human capital,then analyzes the intrinsic mechanism of spatial divergence of human capital from the perspective of the supply and demand of industrial labor.The results show that spatial agglomeration of high-skilled labor and the transition from spatial agglomeration to dispersion among low-skilled labor have prompted an initial increase followed by a decrease in the skill complementarity level of urban labor since 2008.This trend thereby accentuates the pattern of spatial divergence in urban human capital,especially in mega cities and cities with advanced industries,where declining skill complementarity level relates to sluggish growth of life service sector and reduced demand for low-skilled labor by mechamism analysis.Correspondingly,reduced demand for low-skilled labor result in sluggish growth of life service sector,so that wage growth is weak,which exacerbates the wage gap and reduce low-skilled workers'migration intent.However,low-skilled workers still earn significant urban wage premiums in mega cities,and the decreasing proportion of low-skilled labor may impede urban industrial potential.To coordinate industrial development with labor market,the paper suggests prioritizing supply-side reforms in the life service sector and optimizing the allocation of a vast and skill-diverse human capital,then,fostering the integration of life services and emerging industries by skill complementavity to boost the quality and efficiency of industrial development.


湖南中医药大学 人文与管理学院,湖南 长沙 410208中国人民大学 人口与发展研究中心,北京 100872



industrial developmenthuman capitalspatial divergenceskill complementari-ty

《人口与经济》 2024 (003)

81-96 / 16


