

The Nonlinear Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Enterprise Income Distribution:A Test Based on Listed Company Data from 2007 to 2022


人工智能带来的新的技术变革促使企业收入分配格局发生变化.基于 2007-2022 年沪深A股上市公司数据,通过文本分析法对人工智能技术和应用进行科学测算,并就人工智能对企业利润与工资之间收入分配的影响展开分析.研究发现:人工智能技术和应用对企业利润与工资收入分配的影响呈"U"型,即在人工智能技术和应用发展的早期,利润与工资比率不断下降,差距逐渐缩小;但当人工智能技术和应用超过阈值时,利润不断吞噬工资,导致二者之间差距逐渐扩大.该结论在经历了替换被解释变量、分时段检验、剔除直辖市样本等一系列稳健性检验后依然成立.机制分析发现,人工智能技术和应用能够通过就业规模效应、就业结构效应和生产率效应间接影响企业利润与工资之间的分配.进一步研究发现,财务柔性能够正向调节人工智能与利润和工资之间收入分配的"U"型关系,对于财务柔性较高的企业来说,人工智能技术和应用与企业内部分配效应的"U"型关系较为明显,说明人工智能技术和应用对财务柔性较高的企业分配效应的影响相对更大.研究为在人工智能加速发展背景下提高员工工资、抑制企业间资本和劳动差距扩大提供了重要的政策建议.

The new technological changes brought about by artificial intelligence have led to changes in the distribution pattern of enterprise income.Based on the data of A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2007 to 2022,this study uses text analysis method to scientifically calculate artificial intelligence technology and applications,and analyzes the impact of artificial intelligence on the income distribution between enterprise profits and wages.Research has found that the impact of artificial intelligence technology and applications on the distribution of enterprise profits and wage income shows a U-shaped pattern,that is,in the early stages of the development of artificial intelligence technology and applications,the ratio of profits to wages continuously decreases,and the gap gradually narrows;But when artificial intelligence technology and applications exceed the threshold,profits continue to devour wages,leading to a gradual widening gap between profits and wages.This conclusion still holds after undergoing a series of robustness tests such as replacing the dependent variable,time period testing,and removing samples from municipalities directly under the central government.Mechanism analysis reveals that artificial intelligence technology and applications can indirectly affect the distribution of profits and wages among enterprises through employment scale effects,employment structure effects,and productivity effects.Further research has found that financial flexibility can positively regulate the U-shaped relationship between artificial intelligence and income distribution between profits and wages.For enterprises with higher financial flexibility,the U-shaped relationship between artificial intelligence technology and applications and internal distribution effects is more obvious,indicating that the impact of artificial intelligence technology and applications on the distribution effect of enterprises with higher financial flexibility is relatively greater.This article provides important policy recommendations for increasing employee wages and suppressing the widening capital and labor gap between enterprises in the context of accelerated development of artificial intelligence.


首都经济贸易大学 劳动经济学院,北京 100070



artificial intelligence technologyartificial intelligence applicationsprofits and wagesincome distribution

《人口与经济》 2024 (003)

111-128 / 18


