

Effects of Instar,Food and Density on Larval Cannibalism of Agrotis ipsilon(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)


小地老虎是农林作物苗期的重要地下害虫,自残行为影响其种群消长,对理清其种群动态规律和预测防治具有重要意义.本研究通过室内建立玉米、小白菜、烟草和人工饲料种群小地老虎,测定龄期、食料和密度对幼虫自残的影响,旨在明确小地老虎的自残特性.结果表明,龄期、食料和密度均对小地老虎幼虫校正自残率有显著影响.其中,4 个种群同龄期间的校正自残率最高均为 5 龄,最低均为 2 龄;不同种群间的自残程度依次为人工饲料种群>小白菜种群>玉米种群>烟草种群;30 头/瓶的饲养密度校正自残率最高.不同龄期混合后各种群均显示 2 龄幼虫被高龄幼虫残杀概率最高,5 龄幼虫最低.不同种群的 5 龄幼虫混合后玉米种群的被残杀率最高,人工饲料种群的较低.龄期、食料和密度对幼虫校正自残率变异均具有显著影响,其中龄期影响最大(26.80%),食料影响最小(4.40%);龄期对幼虫被残杀率变异具有显著影响,解释 11%的变异量.

Agrotis ipsilon is an important underground pest at the seedling stage of agricultural and forest-ry crops.Cannibalism affects population growth and decline of Agrotis ipsilon,which is of great significance for clarifying its population dynamics and predicting prevention and control.In this study,the A.ipsilon popula-tions fed with corn,cabbage,tobacco and artificial feed were established in the laboratory,and the effects of instar,food and density on larval cannibalism were determined,aiming to clarify the cannibalism characteris-tics of A.ipsilon.The results showed that instar,food and density had significant effects on the corrected can-nibalism rate of A.ipsilon larvae.Among them,the highest corrected cannibalism rate in the four populations during the same instar period was found in the 5th instar,and the lowest was found in the 2nd instar.The de-gree of cannibalism of the four populations ranged as artificial feed population>cabbage population>corn population>tobacco population.The highest corrected cannibalism rate occurred at 30 heads per bottle of feeding density.After mixing different instars,the 2nd instar larvae had the highest probability of being killed by older larvae in each population,while the 5th instar larvae had the lowest probability.After the 5th instar larvae of different populations were mixed,the probability of being killed was the highest in corn population,and lower in artificial feed population.Instar,food and density all had significant effects on the variation of corrected cannibalism rate of larvae,among which,instar had the greatest influence(26.80%)and food had the least influence(4.40%).Instar had a significant effect on the variation of probability of being killed,ex-plaining 11%of the variation.


贵州大学烟草学院/贵州省烟草品质研究重点实验室,贵州 贵阳 550025贵州大学生命科学学院,贵州 贵阳 550025贵州省烟草公司遵义市公司,贵州 遵义 564200



Agrotis ipsilonCannibalismFoodDensityLarval ageCorrected cannibalism rate

《山东农业科学》 2024 (005)

126-131 / 6


