

Construction of a Training Protocol for Postpartum Return of Clinical Nurses Based on Delphi Method


目的 构建临床护士产后返岗培训方案,旨在为管理者开展相关培训提供参考.方法 2022年8-10月,在文献分析、半结构式访谈的基础上拟定护士产后返岗培训方案,采用德尔菲法对来自护理管理、护理教育、妇产科护理、心理学及公共卫生与预防医学领域的16名专家进行2轮专家函询,根据专家意见修改并确定最终培训方案.结果 2轮专家函询的积极系数分别为100%和93.75%,专家权威系数分别为0.893和0.906,肯德尔和谐系数分别为0.387及0.425.经过2轮专家函询后,各指标的重要性评分为4.21~5.00分,变异系数为0~0.19.最终形成的培训方案包含5项一级指标(培训师资、培训内容、培训方法、培训时间、培训效果),14项二级指标和35项三级指标.结论 产后返岗护士培训方案具有一定的科学性、适用性与可靠性,可为我国临床护士产后返岗培训模式的研究和建设提供参考.

Objective To establish a training protocol for the postpartum return of clinical nurses,aiming to provide a reference for nurse administrators to carry out relevant training.Methods From August to October 2022,a training protocol for the postpartum return of nurses was proposed based on literature analysis and semi-structured interviews.Two rounds of consultation were conducted using the Delphi method on 16 experts in nursing management,nursing education,obstetrical&gynecological nursing,psychology,and public health and preventive medicine.The training protocol was revised and finalized according to the opinions of these ex-perts.Results For the two rounds of expert consultation,the positive coefficients were 100%and 93.75%,the authoritative coefficients were 0.893 and 0.906,and Kendall's coefficients of concordance were 0.387 and 0.425,respectively.After two rounds of expert consultation,the importance of each indicator was scored 4.21-5.00,and the coefficient of variation was 0-0.19.The final training protocol consists of 5 first-level indicators(trainers,training contents,training methods,training time and training effects),14 second-level indicators and 35 third-level indicators.Conclusion The training protocol for the postpartum return of nurses is scientifi-cally based,applicable and reliable.It can provide a reference for investigating and developing training modes for the postpartum return of clinical nurses in China.


安徽省第二人民医院,安徽 合肥 230041



NursePostpartum returnTrainingDelphi

《上海护理》 2024 (006)

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