

Optimization Scheduling Algorithm for Different Operational Demands of the Reservoir Group in Fenshui River Basin for Flood Control


目前,关于流域水库群防洪优化调度研究较多关注的是优化算法本身的效率和效果问题,而关于适配某些特定业务需求的不同优化调度算法的研究相对较少,从而影响了其调度系统平台的实用性.根据分水江流域防洪实际业务场景的特定需求,提出了常规优化、堤防安全优先、水资源存量优先 3 套不同的水库群防洪联合优化调度方案,采用不同约束条件的遗传算法,实现了不同调度方案的多目标寻优,并结合水文-水动力模型预演了不同调度方案的实施效果.通过两场实际洪水验证,该算法具有良好的精度和实用性,能够保证满足不同业务场景需求,并可进一步发掘分水江流域水库群的防洪潜力,提高流域水库群的调洪、蓄洪能力.

Regarding the optimization scheduling of watershed reservoir group for flood control,current study has been more focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of the optimization algorithm itself,while there is relatively less research on different optimization scheduling algorithms that meet to specific operational requirements,which has consequently affected the practicality of reservoir scheduling system.In this paper,based on the specific requirements of flood control in Fenshui River Basin,three different sets of joint optimization scheduling schemes for reservoirs are proposed,including conventional optimization,prioritizing embankment safety,and prioritizing water resource storage.The genetic algorithms with different constraint conditions are used to achieve multi-objective optimization for different scheduling schemes.The implementation results of different scheduling schemes are also simulated using hydrological-hydrodynamic models.Through validating with two historical flood events,the algorithm demonstrates good effectiveness and practicality,can ensure the fulfillment of specific demands of each scenario,and can further explore the flood control potential of the reservoir group in Fenshui River Basin,thereby improving the flood regulation and storage capacity of the reservoir group.


杭州市林业水利局,浙江 杭州 310014浙江省钱塘江流域中心,浙江 杭州 310000浙江远算科技有限公司,浙江 杭州 310012



reservoir joint schedulingmulti-objective optimizationhydrological-hydrodynamic modelinggenetic algorithmflood control

《水力发电》 2024 (006)

23-31,43 / 10

