

Analysis of Tunnel Lining Stress and Surrounding Rock Failure Mode in Loess Mudstone Boundary Area



In order to study the mechanical characteristics of tunnel lining and failure mode of surrounding rock in loess-mudstone junction area,taking a tunnel as the engineering background,the lining stress is analyzed by field monitoring and numerical simulation.The results show that:(a)the surrounding rock pressure is concentrated in the inverted arch,and the maximum value appears at the right arch foot;(b)the stress of the outer steel arch is mainly concentrated in the arch shoulder near the interface;(c)the stress of steel arch and the strain of the secondary lining concrete are greatly affected by the development of concrete strength,in which,the concrete and arch are subjected to large compressive stress at the initial stage of lining construction,and with the gradual formation of concrete strength,the stress gradually decreases and tensile stress appears at the inverted arch;(d)the plastic zone of surrounding rock is mainly at the arch shoulder and inverted arch near the interface;and(e)the groundwater flows through the broken surrounding rock along the side wall and gathers in the inverted arch,and the plastic zone of the base mudstone is easy to expand.The research results can provide some references for the design and construction of tunnels in similar boundary strata.


甘肃公航旅天庄高速公路管理有限公司,甘肃 天水 741001甘肃省交通规划勘察设计院股份有限公司,甘肃 兰州 730030兰州交通大学土木工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730070



tunnelboundary strataliningfailure modestress analysisfield monitoringnumerical simulation

《水力发电》 2024 (006)

32-36,96 / 6

