

Preparation and application of chromatographic stationary phase based on two-dimensional materials



The stationary phase is the heart of chromatographic separation technology and a critical contributor to the overall separation performance of a chromatographic separation tech-nique.However,traditional silicon-based materials designed for this purpose usually feature complex preparation processes,suboptimal permeability,pronounced mass-transfer resistance,and limited pH-range compatibility.These limitations have spurred ongoing research efforts aimed at developing new chromatographic stationary phases characterized by higher separation efficiency,adaptable selectivity,and a broader scope of applicability.In this context,the sci-entific community has made significant strides toward the development of new-generation mate-rials suitable for use as chromatographic stationary phases.These materials include carbon-based nanomaterial arrays,carbon quantum dots,and two-dimensional(2D)materials.2D-ma-terials are characterized by nanometer-scale thicknesses,extensive specific surface areas,dis-tinctive layered structures,and outstanding mechanical properties under standard conditions.Thus,these materials demonstrate excellent utility in various applications,such as electrical and thermal conductivity enhancements,gas storage and separation solutions,membrane sepa-ration technologies,and catalysis.Graphene,which is arguably the most popular 2D-material used for chromatographic separation,consists of a 2D-lattice of carbon atoms arranged in a sin-gle layer,with a large specific surface area and efficient adsorption properties.Its widespread adoption in research and various industries is a testament to its versatility and effectiveness.In addition to graphene,the scientific community has developed various 2D-materials that mirror the layered structures of graphene,such as boron nitride,transition-metal sulfides,and 2D porous organic frameworks,all of which offer unique advantages.2D porous organic frame-works,in particular,have received attention because of their nanosheet morphology,one-dimensional pores,and special interlayer forces;thus,these frameworks are considered prom-ising candidate chromatographic stationary phase materials.Such recognition is especially true for 2D-metal organic frameworks(MOFs)and 2D-covalent organic frameworks(COFs),which exhibit low densities,high porosities,and substantial specific surface areas.The modifi-ability of these materials,in terms of pore size,shape,functional groups,and layer-stacking arrangements allows for excellent separation selectivity,highlighting their promising potential in chromatographic separation.Compared with their three-dimensional counterparts,2D-MOFs feature a simple pore structure that offers reduced mass-transfer resistance and enhanced col-umn efficiency.These attributes highlight the advantages of 2D-MOF nanosheets as chromato-graphic stationary phases.Similarly,2D-COFs,given their high specific surface area and poros-ity,not only exhibit great thermal stability and chemical tolerance but also support a wide se-lection of solvents and operational conditions.Therefore,their role in the preparation of chrom-atographic stationary phases is considered highly promising.This review discusses the latest re-search developments in 2D porous organic framework materials in the context of gas-and liq-uid-chromatographic stationary phases.It introduces the synthesis methods for these novel ma-terials,elucidates their retention mechanisms,and describes the applications of other 2D-mate-rials,such as graphene,its derivatives,graphitic carbon nitride,and boron nitride,in chroma-tography.This review aims to shed light on the promising development prospects and future di-rections of 2D-materials in the field of chromatographic separation,offering valuable insights into the rational design and application of new 2D-materials in chromatography.


南京师范大学化学与材料科学学院,江苏南京 210023



two-dimensional materialsmetal organic frameworks(MOFs)covalent organic frameworks(COFs)chromatographic stationary phasereview

《色谱》 2024 (006)


524-532 / 9

国家自然科学基金(22174067,22374077).National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.22174067,22374077).

