

Multi-scenario simulation of economic losses caused by flood disaster in the Nansi Lake Basin


洪涝灾害情景模拟与损失预估对湖泊型流域防洪减灾和可持续发展具有重要意义.以我国典型的湖泊型流域南四湖流域为例,利用CA-Markov模型预测2030年三种用地情景,采用P-Ⅲ型概率曲线构建10、20、50、100 a四个重现期强降雨情景,得到12种组合情景;通过InVEST模型和等体积淹没法量化不同情景的径流和淹没深度;在各产业GDP空间预测的基础上计算12种情景的洪涝直接经济损失.结果表明:(1)CA-Markov模型在南四湖流域的土地利用模拟精度较高,三种用地情景的各地类变化显著;(2)用地变化对流域洪涝灾害的影响显著,其中城镇发展情景下洪涝灾害风险最大,而生态保护情景风险最低;(3)暴雨强度会明显增加各用地情景的经济损失,但增幅在50 a重现期后有所减缓;生态保护情景的经济损失最少,介于97.39-128.81亿元之间,与其他情景相比,该情景可在一定程度上减少洪灾损失.为此,在气候变化背景下湖泊型流域可持续发展应充分考虑土地利用变化对洪涝灾害风险的影响,合理扩张城镇建设用地,优化布局生态用地,充分发挥国土空间规划在防洪减灾方面的作用.

Scenario simulation and loss prediction of flood disasters are of great significance for flood control and disaster reduction in lake basins.Therefore,Nansi Lake Basin,a typical lake basin in China,was taken as an example for study.We used CA-Markov model to simulate three land use scenarios in 2030,and used P-Ⅲ probability curve to construct 10-,20-,50-and 100-years recurrence periods of heavy rainfall.Then,12 climate and land use change combination scenarios were built.Runoff and submergence depth in different scenarios were quantified by InVEST model and equal volume submergence method.Combined with GDP spatial forecast data,the direct economic losses of flood under 12 scenarios were calculated.The results showed that:(1)simulation accuracy of land use by CA-Markov model in Nansi Lake Basin was high,and land use changes in each scenario were significant.(2)The impact of land use change on flood disaster was significant.The urban development scenario had the highest risk of flood disasters,while the ecological protection scenario had the lowest risk.(3)The enhanced rainstorm would significantly increase the economic loss of each land use scenario,but the increments would slow down after the 50-year recurrence period.The total economic loss of the ecological protection scenario was the least,ranging from 9.739 billion to 12.881 billion RMB.Compared to other land use scenarios,this scenario had the effect of reducing disaster losses.Therefore,the sustainable development of lake basins should be based on the impact of land use changes on flood disaster risks in the context of climate change.In the future,the reasonable expansion of urban construction land should be considered,ecological land layout should be optimized,and the role of territorial spatial planning in flood control and disaster reduction should be fully utilized.


济南大学商学院,济南 250002济南大学商学院,济南 250002||扬州大学商学院,扬州 225127济南大学水利与环境学院,济南 250022


land useflood disasterscenario simulationdirect economic lossNansi Lake Basin

《生态学报》 2024 (010)

4129-4141 / 13


