

Genetic Diversity Analysis and DNA Fingerprint Construction Based on SSR Markers for Xanthoceras sorbifolia


[目的]为快速鉴定和利用文冠果种质资源,探明文冠果种质亲缘关系.[方法]从 20 对SSR引物筛选得到 11 对条带清晰、多态性好的引物,对 29 个文冠果品种(系)进行分析,采用荧光毛细管电泳技术进行多态检测,通过邻接法进行聚类分析,利用数字和字母赋值编码构建分子身份证.[结果]共检测到 66 个等位基因(Na),每对引物检测到 3-10 个Na.Shannon信息指数(I)变化范围介于 0.349-1.723 之间,平均值为 1.16.不同引物揭示的多态信息含量(PIC)变幅介于 0.276-0.841,平均为 0.66.观测杂合度(Ho)变幅为 0.137-0.958,平均值为 0.739;期望杂合度(He)变幅为 0.187-0.79,平均值为 0.648;在 11个位点中,有 7 个位点的平均观测杂合度大于平均期望杂合度.遗传相似系数变化范围为 0-1,平均为 0.31,遗传相似系数在 0.6以上的有 15 个,仅占全部数据的 5.17%.邻接法聚类分析结果显示,在遗传距离为 0.42 时,可将 29 份文冠果种质分为三大类群.构建了 0/1 形式的指纹数据库和分子身份证,除个别品种外均具有唯一性,可用于品种鉴定.[结论]29 份文冠果种质资源的遗传多样性相对较高,但也存在一定的近交现象.利用SSR标记构建文冠果分子身份证操作简便可行,可为文冠果品种真伪鉴定、权益保护、身份识别、溯源管理及新品种选育提供技术支撑和科学依据.

[Objective]This work aims to quickly identify and utilize Xanthoceras sorbifolia germplasm resources,and explore the relationship of germplasm.[Method]Eleven primers with clear bands and good polymorphism were selected from 20 pairs of SSR primers.Fluorescence capillary electrophoresis technology was used for 29 X.sorbifolia varieties(lines)polymorphism detection.The neighbor-joining method was utilized for cluster analysis,while numerical and letter codes were assigned to create molecular identity cards.[Result]A total of 66 alleles were detected,and each pair of primers detected 3-10 alleles with an average of 6.The Shannon information index(I)varied from 1.723 to 0.349,with an average of 1.16.The polymorphic information content(PIC)revealed by different primers ranged from 0.276 to 0.841,with an average of 0.66.The observed heterozygosity(Ho)ranged from 0.137 to 0.958,with an average of 0.739.The expected heterozygosity(He)ranged from 0.187 to 0.79,with an average of 0.648.Among the 11 loci,7 loci had an average observed heterozygosity greater than the average expected heterozygosity.The genetic diversity coefficient varied from 0 to 1 with an average of 0.31.There were 15 individuals with a genetic similarity coefficient above 0.6,accounting for only 5.17%of the total data.At the genetic distance of 0.42,the 29 X.sorbifolia materials were divided into three categories by cluster analysis.Based on these results,the DNA fingerprint database composed of the digits 0 and 1 and the molecular identity card were established,which allowed unequivocal identification of all the varieties except a few unique ones.[Conclusion]This indicates that the genetic diversity of the 29 germplasm resources of X.sorbifolia is relatively high,but there is also a certain degree of inbreeding.Molecular identity cards for X.sorbifolia using SSR markers is simple and feasible,which may provide technical support and scientific basis for genetic identification,rights protection,identity validation,traceability management,and new variety breeding of X.sorbifolia varieties.


辽宁省旱地农林研究所,朝阳 122000


Xanthoceras sorbifoliavarieties(lines)fluorescent labeled SSR markersgenetic diversityfingerprintsmolecular identity cardclustering analysis

《生物技术通报》 2024 (005)

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