

Research on digital microscopy interactive teaching mode in the experimental teaching of medical parasitology


文章为了比较和评估数码显微互动与传统教学模式对学生医学寄生虫学实验成绩和教学效果的影响,探讨实验课教学方式的改进,选取2021 级临床医学本科二年级 8 个班学生,随机分为传统组和新模式组.传统组采取寄生虫学实验课传统教学模式,新模式组采取"传统教学模式+Motic数码显微互动系统+数字化标本"教学模式,通过两样本秩和检验比较其实验成绩.通过问卷星向新模式组 4 个班的学生发放问卷,该网自动收集数据生成结果.该研究采用 SPSS25.0 统计软件,Mann-Whitney U检验分析表明,新模式组的实验课成绩高于传统组(z=5.584,P<0.05).问卷结果显示,73.08%的学生认为新教学模式采用数字化标本及互动教学模式提高了学习兴趣,50%的学生认为学习效率得以提高,65.38%的学生认为更好地实现了实验课的学习目标.新教学模式的教学效果优于传统教学模式.

Based on the students'academic performance and teaching effect,the authors compared digital microscopy interactive mode with traditional teaching mode in order to improve the experimental teaching of medical parasitology.The participants were sopho-mores of clinical medicine enrolled in 2021,and eight classes were randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group,with four classes in either group.In the experimental group,a new teaching mode was adopted,combing the traditional teaching mode and Motic digital microscopy interactive system and digital specimen;while in the control group,the traditional teaching mode was adopted.SPSS 25.0 statistical software was used to conduct a rank sum test,and the Mann Whitney U-test was conducted to analyze the students'performance.The results showed that the scores of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the con-trol group(z=5.584,P<0.05).A questionnaire survey on the new teaching mode was conducted in the students of experimental group via the online survey platform of Wenjuanxing,the data were automatically collected,and the results were then produced.The results showed that 73.08%of the students agreed that they have become more interested in learning thanks to the digital specimens and interactive teaching mode,50%of students agreed that their learning efficiency has been improved,and 65.38%of students agreed that their learning goals were better achieved.The new teaching mode proves better than the traditional one.


山西医科大学基础医学院形态学实验室,晋中 030600山西医科大学基础医学院寄生虫学教研室



medical parasitologyexperimental teachingteaching modeMotic digital microscopy interactive systemdigital specimen

《基础医学教育》 2024 (005)

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