

Characteristics of Longwangmiao reservoirs in Penglai gas area and comparison with those in Moxi-Gaoshiti area,central Sichuan Basin


川中蓬莱气区下寒武统龙王庙组钻遇良好碳酸盐岩储层,天然气显示好,成为继川中地区安岳大气田后龙王庙组重点勘探区之一,但储层发育规律不明制约了勘探部署.基于最新的钻井及分析测试等资料,系统分析了蓬莱气区龙王庙组储层特征及主控因素.研究认为,蓬莱气区龙王庙组具有陆源碎屑与碳酸盐混合沉积背景,储层主要分布在龙王庙组中上部;储集岩石类型主要为(残余)颗粒白云岩和结晶白云岩;储集空间类型主要为粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔、晶间溶孔及微裂缝;以低孔低渗储层为主,储层厚度主要介于10~42 m之间.储层发育受控于层序地层、岩性及成岩作用等,进积型准层序组和准层序中上部的(残余)颗粒白云岩和结晶白云岩是储层发育主要部位,大气淡水溶蚀、油气溶蚀作用及破裂作用是核心建设性成岩作用.对比安岳大气田主体区磨溪—高石梯地区,认为储层主控因素相近,主要受颗粒白云岩、溶蚀作用、破裂作用等控制,但蓬莱气区龙王庙组储层具有灰质含量高、陆源碎屑含量多、准同生期暴露弱等特点,寻找准同生期暴露的高能颗粒白云岩和细晶白云岩及表生岩溶改造的白云岩是蓬莱气区重点关注的储层目标.

The Lower Cambrian Longwangmiao Formation in the Penglai gas area has promising carbonate reser-voirs and exhibit strong gas indications,making itself a pivotal exploration zone following the Anyue gas field in the central Sichuan region.However,the lack of clarity regarding reservoir development patterns has constrained exploration deployment.Through comprehensive analysis of the most recent drilling and testing data,this study systematically examines the reservoir characteristics and primary controlling factors of the Longwangmiao Formation in Penglai gas area.Results reveal a mixed sedimentary background of terrigenous debris and carbonate,with reser-voirs predominantly situated in the middle and upper strata of the Longwangmiao Formation.The reservoir rock types are predominantly(residual)granular dolomite and crystalline dolomite.Main types of reservoir space include intergranular dissolved pores,intragranular dissolved pores,intercrystalline dissolved pores,and micro-fractures.The reservoir is characterized by low porosity and permeability,with thickness typically ranging between 10-42 m.Reservoir development is controlled by sequence stratigraphy,lithology and diagenesis,particularly evident in the granular dolomite and crystalline dolomite within the middle and upper sections of the progradational parasequence set.Key constructive diagenetic processes include atmospheric freshwater dissolution,oil and gas dissolution and fracture.A comparison with the Moxi-Gaoshiti area in the main area of Anyue gas field suggests similar controlling factors,primarily revolving around granular dolomite,dissolution and fracturing.Nonetheless,the Longwangmiao Formation reservoir in Penglai gas area exhibit distinctive traits such as high ash content,elevated terrigenous clastic content and limited penecontemporaneous exposure.Consequently,identifying high-energy granular dolomite and fine-grained dolomite exposed during the penecontemporaneous period,as well as dolomite modified by supergene karst,emerges as impera-tive in targeting reservoirs within the Penglai gas area.


油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室(成都理工大学),成都 610059||自然资源部深时地理环境重建与应用重点实验室(成都理工大学),成都 610059||成都理工大学沉积地质研究院,成都 610059中国石油西南油气田公司勘探开发研究院,成都 610041



reservoir characteristicsmain controlling factorsLongwangmiao FormationPenglai gas areaMoxi-Gaoshiti areacentral Sichuan region

《石油实验地质》 2024 (003)


510-521 / 12


