

Investigation of Anti-sliding Piles Embedded in Multi-layered Soils and Rocks Using Improved Finite Difference Method


滑坡治理工程中抗滑桩可能布置于层状土层、层状岩层,或岩、土成层等各种地质条件下,现行规范对于该问题建议将成层地基按加权平均法换算成等效的当量地基系数,但对于地层差异性较大的岩土成层地基其适用性有待研究.为解决这一问题,基于Euler-Bernoulli梁理论建立抗滑桩受荷段、嵌固段整体受荷分析模型,采用改进有限差分法提出抗滑桩全桩内力求解的统一矩阵运算式,避免常规有限差分方法将桩身分为受荷段和嵌固段及利用滑面处连续性条件求解的复杂迭代过程;基于2个边坡工程抗滑桩治理案例,证明改进有限差分法对岩土成层条件下抗滑桩分析的可靠性,计算用时仅需1.2 s左右,相比已有方法进一步提高抗滑桩分析设计的计算效率.

Anti-sliding piles in landslide control engineering are probably embedded in multi-layered soils,multi-layered rocks,or multi-layered soils and rocks.The current guidelines suggest adopting the equivalent foundation coefficient for multi-layered soils according to weighted average method,however,the applicability of guideline method needs to be further studied due to the significant difference between multi-layered soils and rocks.To address this problem,a model considering both loading segment and anchoring segment for laterally loaded pile is established based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam method,and a set of matrix formulations using improved finite difference method are presented for evaluating the internal force of whole pile.Compared with a conventional finite difference method,it avoids dividing the anti-sliding pile into the above two segments and complex iterative solutions with the continuity condition at sliding surface.Based on two practical designs of landslide control engineering using anti-sliding piles,the proposed improved finite difference method was proven to be reasonable for evaluating the anti-sliding piles embedded in multi-layered soils and rocks,and the computation takes only approximately 1.2 seconds.In addition,the proposed method can improve computational efficiency compared with the existing methods.


中国铁路设计集团有限公司,天津 300308||城市轨道交通数字化建设与测评技术国家工程研究中心,天津 300308||水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室(天津大学),天津 300072中国铁路设计集团有限公司,天津 300308||城市轨道交通数字化建设与测评技术国家工程研究中心,天津 300308



slope engineeringanti-sliding pilemulti-layered soils and rocksimproved finitedifference methodinternal force of whole pile

《铁道标准设计》 2024 (006)

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