

Influence of anthropogenic water diversion on river energy in plain river network


平原河网水动力条件相对较差,水质问题较为突出,为改善平原河网地区水环境状况,选取江苏省无锡市滨湖河网2018 年洪季和枯季19 个断面水文水质监测数据,基于MIKE21 滨湖河网水动力-水质模型及Python能量计算模型,探究能量耗散规律以及能量、水质间的关系,并确定最佳调水流量区间.结果表明:滨湖河网水质浓度与河流能量显著负相关;一定调水流量的增加使得河流总能量随之上升,能量到达阈值后,随调水流量的上升,河流总能量呈降低趋势;在能量目标层面上优选引调水方案,能有效协调引调水过程中存在的异质性因素,确定逐日最佳调水流量区间及河网总能量最佳区间,提供流量优化调控方案,保障平原河网水动力与水环境条件.

The poor hydrodynamic conditions in the plain river network have resulted in prominent water quality issues.To improve the water environment in the plain river network area,we selected hydrological and water quality monitoring data of flood and dryseasons of 2018 from 19 cross-sections in the Binhu Riv-er network in Wuxi,Jiangsu Province.We employed the MIKE21 Binhu River network hydrodynamic-water quality model and a Python-based energy mathematical model to investigate energy dissipation pat-terns,the relationship between energy and water quality,and the optimal water diversion flow range.The results showed a significant negative correlation between water quality concentration and river energy.In-creasing the water diversion within certain limits led to a rise in total river energy;however,upon reac-hing a threshold,further increases in water diversion caused a gradual decrease in total river energy.By optimizing the water diversion schemes at the energy target level,we effectively harmonized the diverse factors in the water diversion process.This optimization allowed us to determine the daily optimal water diversion flow range and the optimal total energy range for the river network.These findings provide a ba-sis for optimizing water quantity control to ensure the hydrodynamic and water environmental conditions of the plain river network.


河海大学 环境学院,江苏 南京 210098||河海大学 浅水湖泊综合治理与资源开发教育部重点实验室,江苏 南京 210098河海大学 环境学院,江苏 南京 210098



river energywater diversiontwo-dimensional river network modeloptimal water diversion flow rangetemporal and spatial distributionplain river network

《水资源与水工程学报》 2024 (002)

83-90 / 8


