

Evolution characteristics of river network pattern in Xi'an City under rapid urbanization


为揭示城市化对水网的影响,科学规划水网布局,以国家中心城市西安市为研究区域,基于 2000、2010 和2020 年3 期遥感影像和水网数据,从水网数量和结构特征两个方面剖析2000-2020 年快速城市化进程下城市水网格局时空演变特征,揭示城市化水平与水网特征之间的定量关系.结果表明:2000-2020 年建设用地面积不断增加,2020 年占到西安市总面积的比重达13.25%,城市化进程由加速发展阶段转变为成熟阶段;西安市水网数量特征呈现持续降低趋势,河网密度和水面率分别衰减了 26.47%和 20.69%,河流发育系数、河网复杂度等水网结构特征呈现"先增后减,总体衰减"的趋势,衰减率分别为19.87%和17.01%.水网格局根据城市化率不同空间分布差异显著,在自然因素和人类活动共同作用下,西安市整体河网结构稳定度趋于 1,水网发育较为稳定;水网格局变化受城市化影响较大,其中,河网复杂度与水面率受城市化的影响大于其对河网密度和河流发育系数的影响.

In order to optimize the layout of river network,it is necessary to clarify the impact of urbaniza-tion on the river network.Based on remote sensing images and river network data of three time periods(2000,2010 and 2020),the spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of the river network in Xi'an City was analyzed from river network quantitative and structural perspectives to reveal the quantitative rela-tionship between urbanization level and river network characteristics.The results show that the area of con-struction land has been increasing over the past 20 years,accounting for 13.25%of the total area of the Xi'an City in 2020,and the process of urbanization has changed from the accelerated stage of development to the mature stage.The quantitative parameters of the river network in Xi'an City showed a continuous de-creasing trend,with the density of the river network and water surface ratio decreasing by 26.47%and 20.69%,respectively.The structural characteristics of the network including river development coefficient and river network complexity showed an increasing and then decreasing trend,but overall attenuation trend,with an attenuation rate of 19.87%and 17.01%,respectively.In regions with different rates of urbaniza-tion,the spatial distribution of the river network pattern varied significantly,but under the joint action of natural factors and human activities,the stability degree of the overall river network structure in Xi'an city was improving towards 1,and the development of the river network was relatively stable.Changes in river network patterns were strongly influenced by urbanization,among which the influence of urbanization on riv-er network complexity and water surface ratio were greater than that on river network density and river devel-opment coefficient.


西安理工大学 西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710048中国水利水电科学研究院流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室,北京 100038天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室,天津 300072



river network patternspatial-temporal evolutionriver network characteristic parameterland use and land cover changeXi'an City

《水资源与水工程学报》 2024 (002)

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