

Dynamic changes of lake shoreline in the Great Lakes region of Bosten Lake from 1977 to 2021


湖泊岸线的动态变化可以表征湖泊的变化.以博斯腾湖大湖区为研究区,基于 1977-2021 年的Landsat遥感影像数据和实测水位资料,利用MNDWI法提取水体信息,运用岸线发育系数与岸线强度,分析研究区岸线动态变化,探讨影响研究区岸线动态变化的主要因素.研究结果表明:1977-2021 年研究区岸线变化最明显的区域主要是研究区北岸.1977-1989 年北岸岸线向南迁移的最大距离为0.93 km;1989-2003 年北岸岸线向北迁移的最大距离为5.12 km;2003-2013 年北岸岸线向南迁移的最大距离为5.46 km;2013-2021 年北岸岸线向北迁移的最大距离为5.11 km.1977-1989 年研究区岸线长度以 1.55 km/a的速率逐渐缩短;1989-2002 年岸线以 16.34 km/a的速率持续增长;2002-2012 年岸线以22.67 km/a的速率明显缩短;2012-2021 年岸线以 14.36 km/a的速率快速增长.年降水量、年均气温以及开都河径流量等自然要素是研究区岸线、水位和水面面积变化的主要自然因素.研究区岸线长度和曲折性受水位和水面面积的影响较为明显,1977-2021 年研究区水位、水面面积和岸线长度的变化趋势基本一致.

The dynamic changes of lake shoreline can reflect the changes in the lake.Taking Great Lakes region of Bosten Lake as the study area,the modified normalized difference water index(MNDWI)was used to extract water information based on Landsat remote sensing data and measured water level data from 1977 to 2021.Then,the shoreline development index and shoreline strength were used to analyze the dynamic changes of the shoreline,so as to clarify the main influencing factors.The results show that the north shore of the study area experienced the most significant changes from 1977 to 2021.Specifical-ly,the shoreline moved to the south by up to 0.93 km from 1977 to 1989;moved to the north by up to 5.12 km from 1989 to 2003;then moved to the south again by up to 5.46 km from 2003 to 2013;lastly,moved to the north again by up to 5.11 km from 2013 to 2021.In terms of the shoreline length,it de-creased gradually at a rate of 1.55 km/a from 1977 to 1989,increased at a rate of 16.34 km/a from 1989 to 2002,then decreased sharply at a rate of 22.67 km/a from 2002 to 2012,and increased again rapidly at a rate of 14.36 km/a from 2012 to 2021.Annual precipitation,annual temperature and runoff of the Kaidu River were the main natural factors affecting the changes of the shoreline,water level and water surface area in the study area.The length and tortuosity of the shoreline in the study area were sig-nificantly influenced by the water level and water surface area,and their changes were consistent with the shoreline length from 1977 to 2021.


新疆师范大学 地理科学与旅游学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054||新疆干旱区湖泊环境与资源实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054



shoreline variation characteristicsmodified normalized difference water index(MNDWI)shoreline development indexLandsat datathe Great Lakes region of Bosten Lake

《水资源与水工程学报》 2024 (002)

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