

Evidence summary for the nursing management of parenteral nutrition therapy pathway in patients with gastrointestinal tumors


目的 对胃肠道肿瘤患者肠外营养治疗通路护理管理的证据进行检索、评价和汇总.方法 根据6S[System(计算机决策支持系统)、Summaries(专题证据汇总)、Synopses of syntheses(系统评价摘要)、Syntheses(系统评价)、Synopses of studies(原始研究摘要)、Studies(原始研究)]模型系统检索国内外胃肠道肿瘤患者营养治疗通路管理文献,检索时限为2011年1月至2023年1月,双人评价文献质量后进行证据总结.结果 共纳入指南7篇,专家共识8篇,法律法规2篇,系统评价3篇,共形成团队建设、通路选择、置管前中后预防、营养液配置与应用、拔管时机、并发症预防与处理、患者教育、通路质量监测8个方面47条证据.结论 胃肠道肿瘤患者肠外营养治疗通路护理管理证据科学、合理,可为临床医护人员实施营养治疗通路护理管理提供参考依据.

Objective To systematically retrieve,evaluate,and summarize the evidence related to nurs-ing management of parenteral nutrition pathways in patients with gastrointestinal cancer.Methods Utilizing the 6S model(System,Summaries,Synopses of syntheses,Syntheses,Synopses of studies,Studies)as a frame-work,literature on the management of parenteral nutrition pathways in patients with gastrointestinal cancer was systematically retrieved from domestic and international sources.The search period ranged from January 2011 to January 2023.Quality assessment of the literature was conducted by two reviewers,followed by evi-dence synthesis.Results A total of seven guidelines,eight expert consensuses,two regulations,and three sys-tematic reviews were included,A total of 47 pieces of evidence were formed in eight aspects:team building,pathway selection,prevention before,during,and after catheterization,nutrient solution preparation and appli-cation,timing of extubation,prevention and management of complications,patient education,and pathway quality monitoring.Conclusion The evidence supporting nursing management of parenteral nutrition path-ways in gastrointestinal cancer patients is scientifically sound and reasonable.It can serve as a reference for clinical healthcare professionals in implementing nursing management of parenteral nutrition pathways.


宁夏回族自治区人民医院产科,宁夏 银川 750002宁夏回族自治区人民医院护理部,宁夏 银川 750002宁夏医科大学,宁夏 银川 750004



Gastrointestinal tumorParenteral nutrition therapy pathwayNursing managementEvidence-based medicineSummary of evidence

《现代医药卫生》 2024 (010)

1642-1647,1653 / 7


