

Correlation analysis of live measurable traits and sebum weight in Wenchang chicken


旨在研究文昌鸡活体度量性状与皮脂重的关系,本文选取120 日龄文昌鸡60 只,公母各半,测量其体重、体斜长、胸宽、胸深、龙骨长、骨盆宽、胫长、胫围、胸肌厚、皮脂厚、皮脂重指标,运用SPSS 26.0 软件分别对公、母鸡的各项指标数据进行相关性分析、通径分析、逐步线性回归分析等.结果表明,文昌鸡公鸡皮脂重与体重、胸肌厚、皮脂厚呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与体斜长呈显著相关(P<0.05),其中相关性最大的是胸肌厚(R=0.687),其次是体重(R=0.685);母鸡皮脂重与体重、体斜长、胸肌厚、皮脂厚均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),其中相关系数最大的是体重(R=0.857),其次是皮脂厚(R=0.630).体重主要通过直接作用影响文昌鸡皮脂重,体斜长主要通过间接作用影响文昌鸡公鸡皮脂重,胫长主要通过间接作用影响文昌鸡母鸡皮脂重.公、母鸡活体可度量性状与皮脂重的最优回归方程分别为:Y皮脂重=396.649+42.279X胸肌厚+0.187X体重+1 213.592X皮脂厚-36.516X体斜长,Y皮脂重=193.928+0.264X体重-61.334X胫长.

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between live measurement traits and sebum weight in Wenchang chick-en.In order to explore the feasibility of indirectly selecting sebum weight by measurable traits in vivo of Wenchang chickens,60 120-day-old Wenchang chickens,half males and half females,were selected,in this study,to measure their body weight,body oblique length,chest width,chest depth,keel length,pelvic width,shin length,shin circumference,pectoral muscle thickness,sebum thickness,and sebum weight.SPSS 26.0 was used to perform correlation analysis,path analysis and stepwise linear regression analysis of those indexed.The results showed that the sebum weight of the Wenchang roosters was extremely significantly positively correlated with their body weight,pectoral mus-cle thickness and sebum thickness(P<0.01),and body oblique length(P<0.05),among which the most significant correlation was that between sebum weight and pectoralis muscle thickness(R=0.687),followed by that between sebum weight and body weight(R=0.685).There was extremely significant positive correlation between sebum thickness and body weight,body oblique length,pectoral muscle thickness and sebum thickness of the hens(P<0.01),among which the highest correlation coefficient was that between sebum weight and body weight(R=0.857),followed by that between sebum weight and sebum thickness(R=0.630).Body weight mainly affected sebum weight of the males and famales through direct effect,body oblique length mainly affected sebum weight of the rosters through indirect effect,and shin length mainly affected sebum weight of the hens through indirect effect.The optimal regression equations between live measurable traits and sebum weight of Wenchang chickens herre were Ysebum weight=396.649+42.279Xpectoral muscle thickness+0.187Xbody weight+1 213.592Xsebum thickness-36.516Xbody oblique length,Ysebum weight=193.928+0.264Xbody weight-61.334Xshin length,respectively.


海南省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,海南 海口 571199||广西大学动物科学技术学院,广西 南宁 530004海南省农业科学院畜牧兽医研究所,海南 海口 571199海南传味文昌鸡产业股份有限公司,海南 文昌 571321广西大学动物科学技术学院,广西 南宁 530004文昌龙泉文昌鸡实业有限公司,海南 文昌 571348中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所,海南 海口 571101文昌市文昌鸡研究所,海南 文昌 571399



Wenchang chickenbody sizebody weightcorrelation analysissebum weight

《畜牧与兽医》 2024 (006)

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