

Effect of supplemented apple levels in the diet on the health of captive red pandas


为探讨饲料中苹果添加量对小熊猫健康的影响,设置两组苹果含量饲料(低苹果日粮为试验一期,高苹果日粮为试验二期)研究苹果添加量对小熊猫各营养物质摄入、排出量,表观消化率及生理指标的影响,每期试验20 d,共 40 d.结果表明:试验二期小熊猫的总采食量极显著高于试验一期(P<0.01),干物质排出量显著高于试验一期(P<0.05),两期试验竹叶采食量、粪便排出量、干物质摄入量及干物质消化率差异不显著(P>0.05);试验二期小熊猫粗脂肪的摄入、排出量,粗纤维、粗灰分的排出量显著高于试验一期(P<0.05),其余营养物质的摄入、排出量及表观消化率差异均不显著(P>0.05);两期试验小熊猫体重及血液生理学指标差异不显著(P>0.05);血液生化指标中,试验二期末果糖胺、血钾显著高于试验一期(P<0.05),尿素氮显著低于试验一期(P<0.05);总胆红素、血淀粉酶极显著高于试验一期(P<0.01),其余指标差异不显著(P>0.05);除尿素氮稍偏高外,各项指标均在正常范围内.本试验两组饲料配方均能提供均衡的营养,但需控制饲料中苹果的饲喂量,并根据环境变化和动物发情育幼情况调整饲料量,以适应机体需要,同时做好动物体重监测和体检.

This study was to investigate the effects of supplemented apple levels on the health of red panda.Two groups of apple content di-ets were set up(low apple diet for phaseⅠ,high apple diet for phaseⅡ)to investigate the effects of the diets on the intake and excretion of nutrients,apparent digestibility and physiological parameters of the pandas.Each phase lasted 20 days,for a total of 40 days.The results showed that the total feed intake and dry matter output of the red pandas in in phaseⅡ(high apple content)of the investigation were signifi-cantly higher than those in phase Ⅰ(low apple content)(P<0.01),while the mean feed intake,fecal output,dry matter intake and dry matter digestibility of bamboo leaves of the animals were not significantly different between the two phases(P>0.05).There were no signifi-cant differences in their body weight and blood physiology indexes between the two phases(P>0.05).The hematological indexes of fruc-tosamine and blood potassium of the pandas at the end of phaseⅡwere significantly higher than those at the end of phaseⅠ(P<0.05);the urea nitrogen was significantly lower than that at the end of phaseⅠ(P<0.05),and the total bilirubin and blood amylase were highly signif-icantly higher than those at the end of phaseⅠ(P<0.01).In summary,all the variables were within the normal range except urea nitrogen,which was slightly higher.Both feed formulations of the two phases provided balanced nutrition,but the amount of apples in the feed should be controlled,and the feed amount should be adjusted according to environmental changes for and the growth of the pandas.At the same time,weight monitoring and physical examination for the animals should be regularly performed.


杭州动物园,浙江 杭州 310008



red pandanutrient intakenutrient excretionapparent digestibilityhaematology

《畜牧与兽医》 2024 (006)

36-41 / 6
