

Effect of enterolactone by gavage on rumen fermentation parameters and gastrointestine development in sucking lambs


本研究旨在探讨灌服肠内酯对羔羊瘤胃发酵和胃肠道发育的影响.试验选取14 只健康 12 日龄湖羊羔羊,随机均分为两组,对照组灌服生理盐水,灌服肠内酯组于每天 10:00 进行口腔灌服处理,预饲期3d,正试期为28 d.试验过程中羔羊自由采食 1∶9 冲泡的山羊奶粉并自由饮水,每天记录羔羊采食量,每周称重,羔羊在42 日龄时屠宰采样,采取瘤胃和小肠组织样品,以及瘤胃液样品,分别用于组织形态学和挥发性脂肪酸分析.结果:与对照组相比,口腔灌服肠内酯显著提高了羔羊 5 周龄平均日增重(P<0.05);口腔灌服肠内酯显著降低了瘤胃内乙酸比例(P=0.019)以及乙酸与丙酸比(P=0.019);口腔灌服肠内酯显著增加了羔羊瘤胃完全分化乳头比例(P=0.013),增加瘤胃壁厚度(P=0.004)、瘤胃乳头长度(P<0.001)、宽度(P<0.001)、密度(P<0.001)和表面积(P<0.001),显著增加角质层厚度(P=0.004)以及棘状层和基底层厚度(P<0.001);口腔灌服肠内酯显著增加了羔羊十二指肠(P<0.001)、空肠绒毛高度(P=0.048)和十二指肠的绒毛高度/隐窝深度(P<0.001),显著降低了十二指肠隐窝深度(P<0.001).综上,口腔灌服肠内酯能增加羔羊瘤胃壁厚度,显著刺激瘤胃上皮细胞层的增生,促进羔羊瘤胃的发育,增加小肠绒毛高度,提高小肠的吸收能力,为羔羊健康生长发育打下坚实基础.

This study aimed to investigate the effects of enterolactone infusion on the rumen fermentation parameters and gastrointestine de-velopment in lambs.Fourteen healthy 12-day-old lambs were used and randomly divided into two groups:the control group received saline infusion,while the experimental group received enterolactone infusion.The lambs were orally administered daily at 10:00.Then,the lambs were fed with ad libitum with a mixture of 1∶9 goat milk powder and water,and their food intake was recorded daily and they weighed week-ly.At 42 days of age,the lambs were slaughtered and samples of rumen and small intestine tissues,as well as rumen fluid,were taken from them for histomorphological and volatile fatty acid analyses,respectively.The results of the experiment showed that:Oral administration of enterolactone significantly increased the average daily weight gain of lambs at five weeks of age(P<0.019).Oral administration of enterolac-tone significantly reduced the proportion of acetate in the rumen of the lambs(P=0.019)as well as the acetic acid to propionic acid ratio in them(P=0.019).Compared with the control group,oral administration of enterolactone significantly increased the proportion of fully differ-entiated papillae in the rumen of lambs of the experimental group(P=0.013),increased the thickness of their rumen wall(P=0.004),length(P<0.001),width(P<0.001),density(P<0.001),and surface area(P<0.001)of their rumen papillae,and significantly in-creased the thickness of their stratum corneum(P=0.004),as well as the thickness of the spinous layer and basal layer in them(P<0.001).Compared with the control group,oral administration of enterolactone significantly increased the height of the villi in the duodenum(P<0.001)and jejunum of the experimental group,as well as the villus height to crypt depth ratio in the duodenum in them(P<0.001),but significantly reduced the crypt depth in their duodenum(P<0.001).In conclusion,oral administration of enterolactone altered the fer-mentation parameters of the rumen of the tested lambs,increased the thickness of their rumen wall,and significantly stimulated the prolifera-tion of their rumen epithelium,increased the height of their small intestinal villi and enhanced the absorption capacity of their small intestine.


国家动物消化道营养国际联合研究中心/江苏省消化道营养与动物健康重点试验室,南京农业大学动物科技学院消化道微生物研究室,江苏 南京 210095



enterolactonerumen fermentationgastrointestine developmentlambs

《畜牧与兽医》 2024 (006)

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