

Route and Speed Multi-objective Optimization for Green Intermodal Transportation with Service Time Window



The vigorous development of the economy is driving the construction of a strong transportation country in China.With the continuous promotion of the"the Belt and Road"and"Regional Economic Belt"strategies,such as the opening of container transport channels such as"China Europe Express"and"Yangtze River Eco-nomic Belt",China's intermodal transport also has ushered in a historic development opportunity.At the same time,the continuous intensification of the global greenhouse effect and the increasing awareness of low-carbon environmental protection among people have also prompted China to accelerate the construction of a green trans-portation system and reduce its impact on the environment,which puts forward higher requirements for reducing the carbon emissions generated by intermodal transportation.However,the current market share of intermodal container transportation in China is still relatively small and the development speed is slow.The main reason is that shippers do not have an enough understanding of the relevant situation of intermodal container transportation,and the marketing work of intermodal transportation operators is not yet in place.Therefore,people are increas-ingly interested in developing intermodal transportation solutions,which requires a shift towards railway or sea transportation modes.This is particularly true of China,which has navigable waterways including vast coastal and inland waterways.Coastal and short distance sea transportation can be utilized for cargo transportation,with a focus on alleviating congestion in existing road and railway infrastructure.Therefore,how to plan transportation plans reasonably to improve freight efficiency,effectively integrate resources,and achieve low-cost and green transportation while meeting the diverse needs of shippers,time window constraints,and multi cargo logistics is an in-depth research question of this article. With regard to freight transportation and in addition to optimizing traditional cost objective,minimizing the negative impact on the environment is also of great significance.This paper studies a new multi-objective green road-sea intermodal transportation problem with service time windows,which aims to determine the freight trans-port route and speed in the intermodal transportation network to meet transport demands.The objective is to simultaneously minimize the total cost and carbon emissions.For this problem,a multi-objective mixed integer programming model is first developed.To effectively and efficiently solve this problem,a new ε-constraint meth-od combined with a fuzzy-logic method is proposed.Then,the effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm is verified by a typical green intermodal transport problem in China.The computational results show that the proposed model and algorithm can efficiently and effectively solve the proposed multi-objective optimization prob-lem of green intermodal transport with service time windows.Compared with truck transport,the use of inter-modal transport can reduce the cost by 33.91%,which is of great significance for the conversion from road trans-port to road-sea intermodal transport.In addition,The cases are analyzed,where decision-makers have different preferences and there are changes in fuel prices,to provide a reference for decision-makers when optimizing route and speed in green intermodal. This article conducts some research on the optimization of green intermodal transportation paths and speeds with service time windows.However,due to time constraints and limitation of our own knowledge,there are still some shortcomings in some aspects.Therefore,considering the future development of green intermodal transpor-tation,the following aspects are still worth further research,including excluding other negative factors that may exist in transportation,such as traffic congestion,weather conditions during ship navigation,and terrain.There-fore,in the future,it is necessary to deeply analyze the impact of various factors on shipping plans in green inter-modal transportation issues.


福州大学 经济与管理学院,福建 福州 350108福建师范大学 经济学院,福建 福州 350107



service time windowgreen intermodal transportationroute optimizationspeed optimizationε-constraint method

《运筹与管理》 2024 (004)

35-41 / 7


