

Approach to Group Decision Making with Interval Complementary Preference Relations Based on Consistency and Consensus Analysis



Interval fuzzy preference relations have the advantages of intervals and preference relations,which have been widely concerned.Interval is one type of the simplest fuzzy evaluation information,which can easily repre-sent the upper and lower bounds of the decision makers'uncertain judgment.Preference relation reduces the requirement for the decision makers that only needs decision makers to provide the pairwise comparative value of objects.However,the current consistency research on interval fuzzy preference relationships still has some shortcomings.For example,the complementarity and order invariance cannot be guaranteed. This paper first summarizes the limitations of previous additive consistency concepts of interval complementary preference relations.Then,a new group decision making method is developed based on the additive consistency and consensus analysis.The main contributions are as follows:a new additive consistency concept based on the median and deviation of the interval judgment matrix is proposed and its properties are discussed.For the incomplete interval complementary preference relations,a programming model is built to determine the missing value.or the inconsistent interval complementary preference relations,this paper establishes several models to judge and adjust its inconsistency.Based on the interval distance measure,a consensus index is proposed and the consensus analysis of additive consistent interval complementary preference relations is carried out. The new approach is implemented in a practical scenario:assessing and choosing suppliers of spare parts.Upon conducting a sensitivity analysis of decision outcomes,the new method shows good robustness.Moreover,the effectiveness and superiority of the new method are demonstrated,compared with other decision-making meth-ods.Notably,the new method eliminates their theoretical limitations. The new method is based on complete additive consistency,which is difficult to achieve in practical decision making.Thus,the subsequent research can be based on satisfactory additive consistency.Considering the differ-ence in the characteristics of decision makers,the preference relationship with heterogeneous information is worth further study.It is worth noting that the theoretical results of this paper can be extended to other types of prefer-ence relationships,such as triangular complementary preference relationship,intuitive complementary preference relationship,hesitant complementary preference relationship,and double-hierarchical linguistic preference relationship.


南京信息工程大学 管理工程学院,江苏 南京 210044||中南大学 商学院,湖南 长沙 410083中南大学 商学院,湖南 长沙 410083



group decision makinginterval complementary preference relationsadditive consistencyconsen-susprogramming model

《运筹与管理》 2024 (004)

70-76 / 7


