

Spectral characteristics and high-pressure X-ray diffraction spectroscopy of apophyllites with different tones in Huanggangliang,Inner Mongolia


通过对内蒙古黄岗梁地区不同色调绿色鱼眼石样品的基础宝石学特征、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)、红外光谱、拉曼光谱等多方面综合分析,系统探讨了不同色调绿色鱼眼石的化学成分和谱学特征.通过高压X射线衍射(HPXRD)光谱测试,深入剖析了该矿物在高压环境下的晶体结构特征,为揭示鱼眼石在地质运动中再次俯冲进入地壳后的稳定存在深度提供了关键线索.研究结果表明,内蒙古黄岗梁地区的鱼眼石属于氟鱼眼石,Fe3+和结晶水的含量对绿色鱼眼石的色调深浅产生显著影响.在HPXRD实验中,随着压力的升高,鱼眼石的轴长和晶胞体积逐渐减小,特别是c轴的压缩率较a轴更高.在9.0 GPa和15.3 GPa两个压力节点上,观察到压缩率的突变,伴随着新衍射峰的出现以及旧衍射峰的分裂和消失.这一发现揭示了鱼眼石晶体在高压环境中发生的两次明显相变过程.本研究为鉴定鱼眼石、寻找矿物资源提供了有力的科学依据,同时为鱼眼石在地质学领域的进一步研究提供了新的视角和认识.

This study comprehensively analyzed the basic gemological characteristics,X-ray fluorescence spectros-copy(XRF),infrared spectroscopy,Raman spectroscopy,and other aspects of green apophyllite samples with dif-ferent tones in the Huanggangliang area of Inner Mongolia,and systematically explored the chemical composition and spectral characteristics of green apophyllites samples with different tones.Through high-pressure X-ray diffrac-tion(HPXRD)spectroscopy testing,the crystal structure characteristics of the mineral under high-pressure environ-ment were analyzed in depth,providing key clues for revealing the stable depth of existence of apophyllites after subduction into the crust during geological movement.The research results indicate that the apophyllites in the Huanggangliang area of Inner Mongolia belong to fluorine apophyllites,the content of Fe3+and crystalline water ex-ert a significant influence on the intensity of the green color in apophyllites.In the HPXRD experiment,as the pressure increases,the axial length and cell volume of apophyllites gradually decrease,especially the compression rate of the c-axis is higher than that of the a-axis.At the pressure nodes of 9.0 GPa and 15.3 GPa,a sudden change in compression rate was observed,accompanied by the emergence of new diffraction peaks and the splitting and disappearance of old diffraction peaks.This discovery reveals two distinct phase transitions of apophyllites crys-tals in high-pressure environments.This study provides strong scientific basis for identifying apophyllites and searching for mineral resources,and also provides a new perspective and understanding for further research on apophyllites in the field of geology.


中国地质大学(北京)珠宝学院,北京 100083



apophylliteHuanggangliang in Inner Mongoliachemical compositioncrystal structurespectral analysis

《岩石矿物学杂志》 2024 (003)

611-618 / 8

