

Global Prevalence of Lumpy Skin Disease from 2018 to 2022


牛结节性皮肤病(LSD)是由牛结节性皮肤病病毒(LSDV)感染引起的一种急性、亚急性传染病,2019年传入我国.为了解全球LSD疫情流行形势,根据世界动物卫生(WOAH)全球动物卫生信息系统(WAHIS)及有关文献资料,分析了近 5 年全球LSD流行状况.2018-2022 年全球共有 64 个国家/地区累计报告发生75 555 起LSD疫情,其中亚洲占 45.31%(29/64),非洲占 53.12%(34/64),共有 35 52 637 头动物被感染;亚洲报告发生LSD疫情的国家/地区数量整体呈上升态势,疫情流行强度呈加剧之势,尤其是我国周边国家;非洲LSD疫情趋于稳定,每年的疫情报告数量较为均衡,整体呈下降趋势;欧洲疫情得到有效控制,仅俄罗斯报告发生零星散发疫情.鉴于周边国家疫情严重,以及LSD的传播与畜产品贸易流通、动物迁徙、媒介生物、免疫屏障等因素息息相关,我国应从监测预警、虫媒消杀、流通控制和疫苗免疫等方面进一步加强LSD防控,防止该病对我国养牛业造成重大损害.

Lumpy skin disease(LSD),as an acute and subacute infectious disease caused by lumpy skin disease virus(LSDV)infection,was introduced into China in 2019.In order to investigate the status of global outbreaks,global prevalence of LSD in the last 5 years was analyzed based on World Animal Health Information System(WAHIS)of World Organization for Animal Health(WOAH)and relevant literature.From 2018 to 2022,a total of 75 555 outbreaks were reported in 64 countries/regions,45.31%(29/64)in Asia and 53.12%(34/64)in Africa,involving 3 552 637 animals;the number of countries/regions in Asia reporting the outbreaks tended to increase in general,with increasing level of disease prevalence,especially in the countries around China;the outbreaks tended to be stable in Africa,outbreak number of each year was more balanced with an overall downward trend;the epidemic was effectively controlled in Europe,and sporadically reported in Russia only.Given the serious situation of LSD outbreaks in the countries around China and the correlation of LSD transmission with livestock product trade,animal movement,vector organisms and immune barriers,China should further prevent and control the disease in terms of monitoring and early warning,vector elimination,movement control and vaccination to prevent it from causing huge damage to China's cattle industry.


浙江省动物疫病预防控制中心,浙江杭州 311119



LSDprevalence statusglobal

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (005)

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