

Emergency Epidemiological Investigation on an Entry Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Outbreak


自2023年6月4日开始,四川省金堂县某生猪代养场引进的仔猪陆续出现异常死亡情况.为确定病因,分析来源,评估传播风险,赴现场开展了紧急流行病学调查.该猪场于 2023 年 5 月 20-30 日分 4 批共引进仔猪 2 200 头,截至 7 月 14 日,共有 222 头仔猪发病,124 头死亡,袭击率为 10.09%,病死率为 55.86%.经现场临床诊断、病死猪病理剖检、实验室检测及干预治疗效果印证,综合判定病因为猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒感染.经追踪调查,该发病猪场无生猪调出,与该猪场有流行病学关联的其他猪场未出现类似发病情况,因此判定疫情扩散风险较低.溯源调查发现发病仔猪的来源种猪场曾发生过猪繁殖与呼吸综合征疫情,现场调查发现该发病猪场生产管理规范,且周边养殖场未出现猪只异常死亡情况,因此综合判定疫情由引进带毒仔猪引起.本起疫情警示,养殖场在引种前应先确认种源场的疾病流行情况,同时加强引种检疫,尽可能避免输入性疫情发生.

Since June 4,2023,piglets introduced to a pig contract farm in Jintang County of Sichuan Province had abnormally died one after another.In order to find out the cause of the disease,analyze its source and to evaluate possible risk of transmission,an emergency epidemiological investigation was conducted at the site.A total of 2 200 piglets were introduced to the farm in 4 batches from May 20,2023 to May 30,2023,of which 222 piglets were diseased including 124 died as of July 14,with an attack rate of 10.09%and a mortality rate of 55.86%.Based on field clinical diagnosis,pathological dissection of dead pigs,laboratory test and corroboration by intervention treatment effect,it was comprehensively determined that the abnormal death was caused by infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(PRRSV).It was investigated and traced that no live pig was transported out of the infected farm,and no similar outbreak was found in other farms epidemiologically linked to the farm,so the risk of disease transmission was determined to be low.Traceability investigation results revealed that porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome(PRRS)outbreak had occurred on the origin genetic farm from where the infected piglets were introduced,formal production and management was applied on the infected farm as investigated at field level,and no any abnormal death was found on its surrounding farms,the outbreak was therefore determined to be caused by the virus carried by introduced piglets.Such entry outbreak should be avoided as much as possible through identifying disease status on genetic farms prior to introduction by target farms and strengthening introduction quarantine.


浙江省动物疫病预防控制中心,浙江杭州 311199达州市动物疫病预防控制中心,四川达州 635000四川省动物疫病预防控制中心,四川成都 610041



emergency epidemiological investigationPRRSpigletsudden death

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (005)

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