

Survey on the Surveillance of Cattle and Sheep Brucellosis in Anhui Province


为全面了解安徽省牛羊布鲁氏菌病监测工作现状,通过实地走访和书面调研相结合方式开展了为期 3个月的调研.调研发现:安徽省牛羊布鲁氏菌病流行率总体较低(0.22%),但各年份的个体阳性率有差异;在种畜场、商品代饲养场、散养户以及屠宰场、交易市场等场点均检出阳性样品;有 3 个地级市未建设市级兽医实验室,9 个县级实验室没有正式运行,实验室现有人员平均配备数量只达到了实际需要的60%左右;全省各级兽医实验室工作经费普遍不足,缺少稳定来源;人间布鲁氏菌病病例数量和地域范围整体呈上升和扩大趋势,病例以养殖相关从业人员为主.总体来看,安徽省牛羊布鲁氏菌污染面较广,兽医实验室监测能力不足,对高危职业人群的布鲁氏菌病防护宣传不到位.因此,在全省牛羊饲养业稳定发展的形势下,应持续加强牛羊布鲁氏菌病监测和对高危职业人群的防护宣传,重视兽医实验室经费投入和专业技术人员配备,以确保布鲁氏菌病监测工作顺利开展,稳定提升重点地区重点环节的监测能力.

In order to fully investigate the surveillance of cattle and sheep brucellosis in Anhui Province,a survey lasting for three months was conducted by way of integrating on-site visit with questionnaire.The results showed that the prevalence of the disease was relatively low(0.22%)in general,but different for the individual positive rate in each year;positive samples were detected out from livestock breeding farms,commercial contract farms,free-range households,slaughterhouses,trade markets and other premises;there were 3 municipalities without veterinary laboratories at municipal level,9 veterinary laboratories at county level were not in formal operation,and the average number of laboratory staffing was only about 60%of the actual need;the funding for laboratories at all levels was generally insufficient and lack of regular sources;the number of human brucellosis cases and their geographical scope were increasing and expanding,operators related to livestock farming were mainly involved.Overall,cattle and sheep brucellosis was widely distributed in Anhui Province,veterinary laboratories had poor monitoring capacity,and occupational population at high risk was less trained for the knowledge of brucellosis prevention and control.Therefore,with regular development of cattle and sheep industry across the province,it was necessary to further improve monitoring of the disease and train occupational population at high risk for self-protection,give high priority to the funding investment of veterinary laboratories and professional and technical staffing,with a view to safeguarding brucellosis monitoring and steadily improving the monitoring capacity of key links in major areas.


安徽省动物疫病预防与控制中心,安徽合肥 230091



brucellosissurveillancecattle and sheepsurvey

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (005)

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