

Estimation of organic carbon storage and carbon sequestration potential of cultivated soil in red beds area


土壤有机碳储量是衡量土壤养分和环境质量的关键指标,对土地的开发利用和实现碳中和具有重要意义,但目前有关红层区耕地土壤有机碳储量的研究尚少.本文以连州红层区耕地0~20 cm表层土壤为研究对象,利用普通克里金插值法估算土壤有机碳密度与储量并分析其分布特征,计算其土壤固碳潜力.结果显示,2007-2019年间有机碳密度整体呈下降趋势,平均有机碳密度从4.624 kg/m2下降至2.668 kg/m2,有机碳储量由1.99×109 kg下降为1.21×109 kg,土壤固碳潜力为9.42×108 kg.连州红层区耕地土壤有机碳储量大幅下降的主要原因为其农业条件存在灌溉设施薄弱、耕地利用强度高、肥料投入不足和缺少精准施肥等问题,通过改善农田基本设施、减少农田弃耕撂荒、降低土壤的高强度利用、科学合理施用化肥等措施,可提高连州红层区耕地土壤有机碳储量,促进连州农业绿色低碳可持续性发展.

The storage of soil organic carbon is a crucial metric for assessing soil nutrients and environ-mental quality,and it is of great importance for land development,utilization,and achieving carbon neutrality.However,little research has been done on soil organic carbon storage in cultivated land in the red beds region.This study focused on the 0-20 cm surface soil of cultivated land in the red beds re-gion of Lianzhou city,utilizing the ordinary Kriging interpolation method to estimate the density and storage of soil organic carbon.The study analyzed the distribution characteristics and soil carbon se-questration potential as well.The results indicate that overall organic carbon density showed a down-ward trend from 2007 to 2019.The average organic carbon density decreased from 4.624 kg/m2 to 2.668 kg/m2,and the organic carbon storage decreased from 1.99×109 kg to 1.21×109 kg.The soil car-bon sequestration potential was calculated to be 9.42×108 kg.The significant decrease in soil organic carbon storage in the red beds region of Lianzhou city is primarily due to weak irrigation facilities,high intensity of farmland utilization,insufficient fertilizer input,and lack of precise fertilization in ag-ricultural conditions.By improving basic agricultural facilities,reducing abandoned farmland,decreas-ing high-intensity soil utilization,and scientifically and reasonably applying fertilizers,the organic car-bon storage of farmland in the red beds region of Lianzhou city can be increased,promoting the sus-tainable development of green,low-carbon agriculture in Lianzhou city.


中山大学地球科学与工程学院,广东 珠海 519082中山大学地球科学与工程学院,广东 珠海 519082||广东省地质过程与矿产资源探查重点实验室,广东 珠海 519082



organic carbon densityorganic carbon storagecarbon sequestration potential

《中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)》 2024 (003)

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