

Numerical simulation and analysis of the influence of podium building on outdoor wind environment in residential district


为研究建筑布局对住宅小区风环境的影响,本文以珠海某住宅小区为研究对象,基于当地的气候特征,利用PHOENICS软件对有裙楼和没有裙楼两种建筑布局形式进行风环境CFD(computational fluid dynamics)模拟.对比分析东、南及东北偏北风背景下两种布局形式小区的通风条件和舒适度,结果表明:1)没有裙楼时,没有大面积建筑阻挡,3个风向下小区风环境均有所改善,风速不均匀性减小,通风条件好、舒适性好的区域的面积和数量均增加,小风速区的面积和数量均减少,通风廊道增加;2)无论是否有裙楼,当来流风向与建筑间的通道夹角小,建筑对风的阻挡削弱作用小,楼与楼之间更容易形成通风廊道,通风条件较好,当来流风向与建筑间的通道夹角大,建筑的阻挡作用显著,小区的风速明显减弱,且容易出现风速不均匀,通风条件较差;3)住宅小区风环境受建筑布局和风向共同影响,在规划设计时应参考当地的主导风.

To study the influence of buildings layout on the wind environment of residential district,this paper takes a residential district in Zhuhai as the research object.Based on the local climatic charac-teristics,the PHOENICS software is used to conduct CFD(computational fluid dynamics)simulation of wind environment for two kinds of buildings layout with and without podium buildings.The ventila-tion conditions and comfort of the two kinds of layout under the background of east,south and north-northeast wind were compared and analyzed,and the results are as follows:1)When there is no podi-um building,the wind environment of the residential district under the three wind directions are im-proved without the obstruction of large-scale buildings,the unevenness of the wind speed is reduced,the size and number of areas with good ventilation conditions and good comfort are increased,the size and number of areas with low wind speed are reduced,and the ventilation corridors are increased.2)Whether there are podium buildings or not,when the angle between the incoming flow direction and the passage of the building is small,the building's wind blocking and weakening effect is small,and ventilation corridors are more easily formed between buildings with better ventilation conditions.When the angle between the incoming flow direction and the passage of the building is large,the building's blocking effect is significant,the wind speed of the residential district is significantly weakened and it is prone to be uneven,so the ventilation conditions are poor.3)The wind environment of residential district is jointly affected by buildings layout and wind direction,and the local dominant wind should be taken into account in the planning and design of residential district.


珠海市公共气象服务中心,广东 珠海 519000四川省气象探测数据中心,四川 成都 610072巴中市气象局,四川 巴中 636000



residential districtwind environmentCFD simulationcomfort degreepodium buildingbuildings layout

《中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)》 2024 (003)

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