

Soil nutrient stoichiometric ratios and their influencing factors in mountainous areas of the Ili River Valley


探究干旱区山地生态系统中不同海拔梯度土壤化学计量比及影响因子,对揭示土壤养分状况、维持山地生态系统可持续发展具有重要意义.本文以伊犁河谷南部山地沿海拔梯度建立13个样地,以0~20 cm土壤为研究对象,探究土壤养分化学计量比及其影响因素.结果表明:1)土壤酸性随着海拔的升高逐渐增强.土壤有机碳与全氮表现出中高山带含量显著高于低山带,而全磷和全钾则表现为低山带含量较高,中高山带含量较低.2)由于海拔差异,碳氮比表现为中高山带显著高于低山带和高山带;碳磷比表现为中高山带显著高于中低山带;碳钾比表现为中高山带显著高于低山带;氮磷比表现为高山带显著较高,但过渡带与低山带无显著差异;氮钾比表现为高山带显著较高,而中高山带与过渡带无显著差异;不同海拔梯度间磷钾比差异性均不显著.3)土壤理化指标中影响化学计量比的主导因子为土壤有机碳(62.4%)、全磷(15.9%)、全碳(13.7%);环境因子对土壤化学计量比产生影响的主导因子为土壤年均温(27.1%)、植被指数(11.2%)、海拔(12.3%)、大气年均温(3.4%).研究结果说明,理化指标对土壤化学计量比具有重要影响,并且进一步验证了海拔仍然是影响化学计量比的主导因子,同时揭示了微环境因子对土壤化学计量比的影响不容忽视,为深入研究伊犁河谷山地土壤养分状况提供科学依据.

Studying the soil stoichiometric ratios and the influencing factors of different altitude gradients in mountain ecosystems in arid zones is significant in revealing the soil nutrient status and maintaining the sustainable development of mountain ecosystems.In this paper,13 sample plots were established along the elevation gradient in the mountains of the southern Ili River Valley,and soil in the depth of 0-20 cm was studied to investigate nutrient stoichiometric ratios and their influencing factors.The results showed that:(1)Soil acidity gradually increased with elevation.Organic carbon and total nitrogen contents are significantly higher in the middle and high mountain belts than in the low mountain belts,while total phosphorus and total potassium contents are opposite.(2)Due to altitudinal differences,the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio is significantly higher in the mid-alpine belt than in the low and alpine belts;carbon and phosphorus ratios are significantly higher in the middle and high mountain belts than in the middle and low mountain belts;carbon and potassium ratios are significantly higher in the middle and high mountain belts than in the low mountain belts;nitrogen-phosphorus ratios are higher in the alpine zone,but there is no major difference between the transition zone and the low mountain zone;nitrogen-potassium ratios are much higher in the alpine zone,whereas there is no significant difference between the mid-alpine zone and the transition zone;the differences of phosphorus/potassium ratios between altitudinal gradients are ignorable.(3)The dominant factors affecting the stoichiometric ratios of soil physicochemical indicators are soil organic carbon(62.4%),total phosphorus(15.9%),and total carbon(13.7%);while the major environmental factors are mean annual soil temperature(27.1%),vegetation index(11.2%),elevation(12.3%),and mean annual atmo-spheric temperature(3.4%).The study showed that the physicochemical indicators have an important influence on the soil stoichiometric ratio,further verified that the altitude is still the dominant factor affecting the stoichiometric ratio,and revealed that the influence of microenvironmental factors on the soil stoichiometric ratio should not be neglected,which provides a scientific basis for the in-depth study of the nutrient status of soils in mountainous areas of the Ili River Valley.


新疆师范大学地理科学与旅游学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054新疆师范大学生命科学学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054



stoichiometric ratioimpact factorsoil nutrientsIli River valley mountains

《中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)》 2024 (003)

60-70 / 11


