

Spatial-temporal niche of mangrove tidal gully fish in the estuary area of Haishan Town,Raoping County,Guangdong Province


鱼类作为红树林湿地的一个重要组成部分,有关其种间关系的研究报道极少.本研究以分布于广东饶平海山河口区红树林鱼类为例,于2022-2023年对该红树林潮沟鱼类进行春、夏、秋、冬四季的采样调查,计测鱼类物种的时空生态位宽度和种间重叠值,阐明湿地鱼类分布和种间关系对环境因子作用的响应.结果显示:渔获鱼类有14种,隶属6目12科,其中优势种(IRI≥500)6种,常见种(500>IRI≥100)3种,少见种(100>IRI≥10)2种,偶见种(IRI<10)3种.海山红树林潮沟渔获鱼类的时空生态位宽度变化范围为0.000~2.428,变化幅度较大,其中,广生态位种(Bij≥2.0)1种,为尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus);中生态位种(1.0≤Bij<2.0)2种,为红狼牙鰕虎鱼(Odontamblyopus rubicundus)和中华乌塘鳢(Bostrichthys sinensis);其余 11 种为窄生态位种(0<Bij<1.0).海山红树林潮沟鱼类物种之间的时空生态位重叠值为0.000~0.956,变化幅度较大;其中,显著重叠的(重叠值>0.6)有43对,占总对数的47%,重叠有意义的(0.3<重叠值<0.6)有21对,占总对数的23%,两者合计占总对数的70%.时空生态位重叠值最高的是黄斑篮子鱼(Siganus oramin)和弹涂鱼(Periophthalmus cantnensis),高达0.956;而完全不重叠包括尼罗罗非鱼和鲬(Platycephalus indicus)、中华乌塘鳢和鲬、须鳎(Paraplagusia bilineata)和鲬.BIOENV分析发现与研究区鱼类丰度最为匹配的环境因子组合是水体的水温、盐度、pH和叶绿素a含量的相关系数为0.475,RELATE检验结果显著(R=0.461,P<0.05),表明这4个环境因子是影响鱼类分布的重要因子.综合而言,饶平海山红树林湿地鱼类时空生态位以窄生态位种为主,不同鱼类之间的时空生态位重叠以显著重叠和重叠有意义的占多数,水体的水温、盐度、pH和叶绿素a含量是影响林区湿地鱼类分布的重要环境因子.

Few studies have been done on the interspecific relationship between fishes species,an important part of mangrove wetlands.In 2022-2023,a sampling survey was conducted on the mangrove tidal gully fish in the estuary area of Haishan Town,Raoping County,Guangdong Province in spring,summer,autumn and winter,and the composition of fish species in the mangrove wetland was studied.The aim of this study was tried to elucidate the response relationship between the distribu-tion and interspecific relationships of wetland fish and the effects of environmental factors by calculating the spatiotemporal niche width and interspecific overlap values.The results showed that a total of 14 species belonging to 12 families and 6 orders were identified,including 6 dominant species(IRI≥500),3 common species(500>IRI≥100),2 rare species(100>IRI≥10)and 3 occasional species(IRI<10).The spatiotemporal niche width of the fish in mangrove tidal gullies ranged from 0.000 to 2.428,with a large variation range,including 1 species of wide niche species(Bij≥2.0)(Oreochromis niloticus),2 species of medium niche species(1.0≤Bij<2.0)(Odontamblyopus rubicundus and Bostrichthys sinensis),and the remaining 11 species narrow niche species(0<Bij<1.0).The spatiotem-poral niche overlap value between the fish species in the tidal gully of seamount mangrove forest was 0.000-0.956,again with a large variation range,among which 43 pairs(>0.6)were highly significant overlapped(0.6),accounting for 47%of the total logs,and 21 pairs(0.3<overlap value<0.6)were significant overlapped,accounting for 23%of the total logs,and the two pairs accounted for 70%of the total logs.The highest spatiotemporal niche overlap values were found in Siganus oramin and Periophthalmus cantnensis(up to 0.956),while the lowest non-overlap values were included in O.niloticus and Platycephalus indicus,B.sinensis and P.indicus,and Paraplagusia bilineata and P.indicus,all with the value of 0.BIOENV analysis showed that the most suitable combinations of environmental factors for fish abundance in the study area were water temperature,salinity,pH and chlorophyll a content,which the correlation coefficient is 0.475,and the RELATE test results were significant(R=0.461,P<0.05),indicating that these four environmental factors were important in affecting fish distribution.In general,the spatiotemporal niche of fish in the mangrove wetland of Raoping Haishan town was dominated by narrow niche species,and the spatiotemporal niche overlap between different fish species was significant and meaningful.The water temperature,salinity,pH and chlorophyll a content of the water body were important environmental factors affecting the distribution of fish in the wetland in the forest area.


广东第二师范学院生物与食品工程学院,广东 广州 510303广东第二师范学院物理与信息工程学院,广东 广州 510303



fishniche widthecological niche overlapspatiotemporal nichesmangrove

《中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)》 2024 (003)

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