

Carbon sink assessment of bivalve and seaweed mariculture based on life-cycle carbon emissions:A case study of Zhanjiang City,Guangdong Province


湛江市的海水养殖面积3.7万hm2,是广东省乃至全国重要的水产品生产和加工基地,对其进行海水贝藻养殖碳汇核算,为湛江市未来开展渔业碳汇交易,服务国家碳中和需求提供数据支持具有重要意义.本研究依据实地调查以及实验室分析检测获得湛江市本土贝藻碳汇核算的关键性基础数据,并基于贝藻类全生命周期碳排放,精准评估湛江市海水贝藻养殖碳汇能力.研究结果表明,2021年湛江市海水养殖贝藻碳汇总量(以CO2计)为155 436 t,其中贝类155 359 t,藻类77 t.按照我国目前蓝碳交易市场中CO2交易价格,湛江市贝类和藻类碳汇创造的经济价值为1 648万元.综合贝藻类全生命周期碳排放的方法,湛江市贝类净碳汇为135 176 t,藻类为39 t.由此可见,湛江市具有较高的海水贝藻养殖碳汇能力,能带来可观的减排经济效益,为我国实现气候变化的解决方案以及完成"双碳"目标做出重要贡献.

Zhanjiang City,with an area of 37 000 hm2 of mariculture,is an important production and processing base for aquatic products in Guangdong Province and even in the whole country.Conducting carbon sink accounting for mariculture bivalve and seaweed is of great significance,as it will provide data support for Zhanjiang City to conduct fishery carbon sink trading in the future and meet the national carbon neutral demand.Based on the field surveys and laboratory analysis,the key basic data of carbon sink accounting of native bivalve and seaweed in Zhanjiang was obtained in this study.And the carbon sink capacity of mariculture in Zhanjiang based on the whole life cycle carbon emissions of bivalve and seaweed were also evaluated.The results showed that the total carbon sink(measured in CO2)of mari-culture bivalve and seaweed in Zhanjiang was 155 436 t in 2021,with bivalve accounting for 155 359 t and seaweed accounting for 77 t.According to the current CO2 trading price in China's blue carbon market,the economic value created by the carbon sinks of bivalve and seaweed in Zhanjiang was 16.48 million RMB.Using the comprehensive method of carbon emission in the whole life cycle assessment,the net carbon sink of the bivalve in Zhanjiang City was 135 176 t,and the seaweed was 39 t.It is evident that Zhanjiang City has a high carbon sequestration capacity in marine bivalve cultivation,which can bring significant economic benefits through emission reduction,and making an important contribution to China's climate change solutions and achieving the"dual carbon"goals.


广东省流域水环境治理与水生态修复重点实验室/广东工业大学生态环境与资源学院,广东 广州 510006||化学与精细化工广东省实验室揭阳分中心,广东 揭阳 515200广东省流域水环境治理与水生态修复重点实验室/广东工业大学生态环境与资源学院,广东 广州 510006||广东工业大学碳中和与绿色发展协同创新研究院,广东 广州 510006广东省流域水环境治理与水生态修复重点实验室/广东工业大学生态环境与资源学院,广东 广州 510006广东省流域水环境治理与水生态修复重点实验室/广东工业大学生态环境与资源学院,广东 广州 510006||化学与精细化工广东省实验室揭阳分中心,广东 揭阳 515200||水产动物疫病防控与健康养殖全国重点实验室/中山大学生命科学学院,广东 广州 510275



blue carboncarbon sinklife-cycle assessmentbivalvecarbon footprint

《中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)》 2024 (003)

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