

Characterization of microbial community structure and water distribution in coal chemical sludge


现代煤化工产业是实现煤炭资源清洁化利用的重要途径,煤化工生产过程会产生大量含水率高、脱水性差的煤化工污泥,是制约煤化工产业发展的典型难处理固废.煤化工污泥的脱水性受污泥中微生物种群结构及水分分布特征的影响,对其解析将有助于揭示煤化工污泥的束水结构并可为煤化工污泥高效脱水方法的研发提供一定的理论指导.本研究以煤制烯烃污泥及煤制油污泥为研究对象,采用16s rRNA基因测序解析其微生物种群结构,通过差示扫描量热法(DSC,differential scanning calorimetry)和低场核磁共振法(LF-NMR,low-field nuclear magnetic resonance)表征污泥的水分分布特征.结果表明:两种煤化工产业选取的污水处理工艺不同,导致煤化工污泥的微生物种群结构存在一定差异,但变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)是两种污泥中的主要菌种;LF-NMR法测得水分分布更为准确,根据污泥中水的结合能可将其划分为结合水、机械结合水以及自由水,污泥中大部分水分(90%以上)为机械结合水;采用能够破坏污泥絮体及微生物群落结构的脱水方法,可以进一步实现煤化工污泥的高效、深度脱水.

Modern coal chemical industry is an important means to realize the clean utilization of coal resources,the coal chemical sludge generated during the process of coal conversion process is a typical refractory solid waste restricting the development of coal chemical industry since its extremely high water content and the poor dewaterability.It has been documented that the dewaterability of coal chemical sludge is affected by the microbial community structure and water distribution characteristics;and thus,it is necessary to investigate the microbial community information and water distribution in coal chemical sludge to provide theoretical guidance for the high-efficiency sludge dewatering technology.In this study,coal-to-olefins sludge and coal-to-oil sludge were selected and the microbial community structure of the two sludge was obtained through analyzing 16s rRNA gene sequencing,and the water distribution was obtained by DSC and LF-NMR method.The results show that the different sewage treatment processes chosen by two coal chemical industries lead to certain differences in the microbial community structures of coal chemical sludge,Proteobacteria,Bacteroidetes and Chloroflexi are the dominant phylum in the two sludge.The LF-NMR method can more accurately measure the water distribution,and the water in the sludge can be classified into bound water,mechanical bound water and free water according.


南京理工大学物理学院,江苏 南京 210094||中山大学土木工程学院,广东 珠海 519082中山大学土木工程学院,广东 珠海 519082东莞理工学院生态环境与建筑工程学院,广东 东莞 523000中煤科工清洁能源股份有限公司,北京 100013



coal chemical sludgemicrobial community structurehigh throughput sequencingwater distributionlow-field nuclear magnetic resonance

《中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)》 2024 (003)

96-102 / 7


