

Grey-scale Reversed T1-weighted MRI for Detecting Structural Lesions of the Sacroiliac Joint in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis


[目的]探讨 T1 灰阶反转(rT1)图对中轴型脊柱关节炎(ax-SpA)骶髂关节结构性病变的诊断价值.[方法]回顾性搜集我院 2020 年 2 月至 2022 年 12 月在 1 周内行骶髂关节MRI 及 CT 检查并符合 ax-SpA 诊断标准的患者52例,共计104 个骶髂关节.两名放射科医师基于常规T1WI、rT1、T1WI+rT1三组图像,分别评估ax-SpA骶髂关节结构病变:骨侵蚀、骨质硬化、关节间隙改变,在斜冠状位图像上将骶髂关节分为前、中、后 3 部分,每部分分骶面、髂面,共6个区域,并按拟定评分规则对上述 3 种结构性病变进行评分,其中1名医师间隔1月后再次进行评分.由第3名肌骨影像专科医师同样使用上述方法评估CT图像作为参考标准.使用组内相关系数(ICC)分析医师间及医师内分别评估各病变评分一致性;采用Friedman M检验比较三组图像对各病变评分与 CT评分的差异;以 CT为参考标准,采用诊断性试验分析计算三组图像诊断骨侵蚀、骨质硬化及关节间隙改变的准确率、灵敏度、特异度,并采用McNemar 检验比较rT1、T1WI+rT1与T1WI的差异.[结果]三组图像评分各类结构病变医师间、医师内一致性好,其中以T1WI+rT1 的一致性最优,评估各类病变ICC≥0.856 95%CI(0.794,0.900),优于rT1 及T1WI[rT1:ICC≥0.819 95%CI(0.745,0.874),T1WI:ICC≥0.754 95%CI(0.656,0.827)];T1WI+rT1对各病变的评分结果与CT评分结果相当,rT1对骨侵蚀、关节间隙改变评分与CT相当(P>0.05).相较T1WI,T1WI+rT1诊断各病变均有更高的准确率及灵敏度(准确率骨侵蚀:90.3%vs 76.9%;灵敏度骨侵蚀:91.6%vs 76.1%;准确率骨质硬化:89.4%vs 80.8%;灵敏度骨质硬化:84.6%vs 73.9%;准确率关节间隙改变:86.5%vs 73.1%;灵敏度关节间隙改变:84.9%vs 60.4%;P<0.05);rT1提高了对骨侵蚀、关节间隙改变诊断的准确性和灵敏度(准确率骨侵蚀:87.5%vs 76.9%;灵敏度骨侵蚀:88.7%vs 76.1%;准确率关节间隙改变:85.6%vs 73.1%;灵敏度关节间隙改变:83.0%vs 60.4%;P<0.05).[结论]rT1能提高ax-SpA骶髂关节结构性病变的诊断效能,T1WI+rT1效能更优.

[Objective]To analyze the value of grey-scale reversed T1-weighted(rT1)MRI in the detection of structur-al lesions of the sacroiliac joint(SIJ)in patients with axial spondyloarthritis(ax-SpA).[Methods]Fifty-two ax-SpA pa-tients who underwent both MRI and CT in our hospital within a week from February 2020 to December 2022 were retrospec-tively included.Both sacral and iliac side of each SIJ on oblique coronal images were divided into anterior,middle and pos-terior portion.Two radiologists reviewed independently three groups of MRI including T1-weighted imaging(T1WI),rT1 and T1WI+rT1 images to evaluate the structural lesions like erosions,sclerosis and joint space changes in each of the 6 re-gions of the SIJ.One of the radiologist did the evaluation again one month later.CT images were scored for lesions by a third radiologist and served as the reference standard.Intra-class correlation coefficients(ICC)were calculated to test the inter-and intra-reader agreement for the assessment of SIJ lesions.A Friedman test was performed to compare the lesion results of MRI and CT image findings.We examined the diagnostic performance[accuracy,sensitivity(SE)and specifici-ty]of different groups of MRI in the detection of lesions by using diagnostic test.A McNemar test was used to compare the differences of three groups of MRI findings.[Results]CT showed erosions in 71 joints,sclerosis in 65 and joint space changes in 53.Good inter-and intra-reader agreements were found in three groups of MRI images for the assessment of le-sions,with the best agreement in T1WI+rT1.There were no difference between T1WI+rT1 and CT for the assessment of all lesions,nor between rT1 and CT for the assessment of erosions and joint space changes(P>0.05).T1WI+rT1 yielded better accuracy and SE than T1WI in detection of all lesions(Accuracy erosions:90.3%vs 76.9%;SE erosions:91.6%vs 76.1%;Accu-racy sclerosis:89.4%vs 80.8%;SE sclerosis:84.6%vs 73.9%;Accuracy joint space changes:86.5%vs 73.1%;SE joint space changes:84.9%vs 60.4%;P<0.05).rT1 yielded better accuracy and SE than T1WI in detection of erosions and joint space changes(Accuracy erosions:87.5%vs 76.9%;SE erosions:88.7%vs 76.1%;Accuracy joint space changes:85.6%vs 73.1%;SE joint space changes:83.0%vs 60.4%;P<0.05).[Conclusions]In the detection of SIJ structural lesions in ax-SpA,rT1 improves the diagnostic perfor-mance and T1WI+rT1 is more superior to others.


中山大学附属第五医院放射科,广东 珠海 519000南方医科大学珠江医院影像诊断科,广东 广州 510280



axial spondyloarthritis(ax-SpA)sacroiliac joint(SIJ)structural lesionsMRIgrey-scale reversed

《中山大学学报(医学科学版)》 2024 (003)

412-419 / 8

