

The Construction of an Integrated Development Model with Majors as the Focus and Disciplines as the Support in Vocational Higher Colleges



The integrated construction of disciplines and majors is a fundamental law in the development of vocational higher education.The integrated construction of disciplines and majors has its inherent generative mechanism.There is a natural intrinsic connection between vocational disciplines and vocational education majors.The construction of an integrated development model with majors as the focus and disciplines as the support is the key to handle the relationship between disciplines and majors in vocational higher colleges.The main reasons are as follows:It can ensure the unshakable position of vocational education major construction;enable the construction of vocational displines to play its due supportive role;highlight the characteristics of vocational higher education type of schooling in the comparison.Its development strategies mainly include:Establishing an integrated development concept with majors as the focus and disciplines as the support;determining the key development majors and their corresponding priority development vocational disciplines;giving full play to the role of curriculum construction in the construction of an integrated development model with majors as the focus and disciplines as the support;improving the organizational structure that is conducive to the formation of its integrated development model;establishing institutional mechanisms that are conducive to the formation of its integrated development model.





vocational colleges and universitiesvocational educationmajor constructionvocational discipline constructionintegrated development mode

《职业技术教育》 2024 (013)

6-12 / 7

