

Mechanical characteristics and firing disturbances of quadruped combat platforms under multiple shooting modes


足式打击平台在现代战争中具有巨大的军事潜力和作战效能.为探究发射载荷作用下足式打击平台的力学特性和射击扰动情况,以四足运动平台作为机动平台,在对其火力打击载荷进行结构设计的基础上,构建了平台的刚柔耦合发射动力学模型,并就不同射击工况下四足打击平台的发射过程进行了仿真分析,最后对四足打击平台进行了实弹试验验证.结果表明:静载工况下,四足打击平台的关节力矩分布均呈现出不均匀态势,平台载弹量对各关节的力矩分配有着直接影响;动载工况下,发射载荷的作用给关节造成了较大的力矩冲击和振荡,并产生了射击枪口扰动,其中,连发工况由于多发振动的耦合作用,相较单发工况冲击力矩增长了 25.8%,平均射击枪口扰动量达到 2.15 mm;采用双向阻振缓冲器可有效地抑制打击平台连发射击扰动,平均射击枪口扰动量为 1.02 mm;实弹试验表明相较于刚性连接,采用双向阻振缓冲器的四足打击平台其百米半数散布圆半径减小了47.0%.

Urban operations such as counterterrorism,hostage rescue,and building clearance are the primary forms of modern warfare.The large scale of unstructured terrain makes quadruped combat platforms have great military potential and combat effectiveness in modern warfare.To explore the mechanical characteristics and firing disturbances of quadruped combat platforms under multiple shooting modes,the structure of the quadruped combat platform strike system was developed.Then,the rigid-flexible coupling launch dynamics model was built using ANSYS and ADAMS;in addition,simulations under single and continuous shooting modes were conducted by changing loads.According to the dynamic model,the launching process of the quadruped combat platform was simulated,the joint torque characteristics and firing disturbance of the quadruped combat platform were examined,and the method for suppressing the firing disturbance was explored.At last,the quadruped combat platform was confirmed by a live firing experiment in a 100-m indoor shooting range.Findings revealed that the joint torque distribution of the quadruped combat platform presents an uneven trend under static load conditions.The effect of the launching load resulted in a significant torque impact and oscillation to the joint of the quadruped combat platform.Moreover,firing disturbances were produced.Under the single shooting mode,the maximum amplitude of the muzzle center point of the quadruped combat platform along the z-axis direction is 8.42 mm,the maximum amplitude along the y-axis direction is 1.87 mm,and the firing disturbance momentum is 0.39 mm.Under the continuous shooting mode,the impact torque and firing disturbance of the first shooting are near the single shooting mode,whereas the impact torque of the subsequent firing increases by 25.8%compared with the first shooting.Meanwhile,with the superposition effect of the continuous firing vibration,the average firing disturbance also increases to 2.15 mm.Considering the reduction in firing disturbance,the effects of various buffers were discussed.The suppression effect of the unidirectional buffer was found not obvious due to the presence of the impact force during the return and forward processes,whereas the bidirectional buffer with damping can effectively lower the firing disturbance,and its average firing disturbance is 1.02 mm,decreased by 52.56%compared with the rigid connection.The live firing experiment confirmed the possibility of the quadruped combat platform,and the R50 of the platform with a bidirectional buffer was reduced by 47.0%compared with that with a rigid connection,demonstrating its effectiveness in suppressing the firing disturbance and enhancing the firing accuracy.


南京理工大学机械工程学院,南京 210094中国电子科学研究院,北京 100041


quadruped combat platformdynamics simulationsrigid-flexible couplingmechanical characteristicsfiring disturbances

《工程科学学报》 2024 (008)

1434-1445 / 12


