

Main characteristics and historical evolution of China's health financing transition


目的:了解中国卫生筹资转型的主要特征及历史沿革.方法:数据来源于全球卫生支出数据库(Global Health Expenditure Database,GHED)、《中国卫生健康统计年鉴》、《全国卫生健康财务年报》、《中国卫生总费用研究报告》等.采用描述性统计和文献研究法进行分析.结果:21世纪以来,全球多数国家出现了卫生筹资转型现象,表现为卫生筹资规模扩大和公共筹资责任强化.中国的卫生筹资转型特征十分鲜明:一是卫生筹资规模扩大的速度更快,2000-2019年人均卫生总费用按可比价格水平增长了 816.6%,明显快于全球其他国家的平均增长速度(102.1%);二是公共筹资责任强化的力度更大,2000-2019年个人现金卫生支出占卫生总费用的比例下降了30.6个百分点,降幅明显大于全球其他国家的平均水平(5.6个百分点);三是公共筹资中政府卫生支出的流向发生了重要转变,"补需方"占比逐渐提高,并于2011年超过"补供方",同时,在"补供方"内部"补医院"占比持续增加,明显高于"补基层"和"补公卫".据此可将中国卫生筹资转型扩展为规模维度、结构维度和流向维度三个维度.运用分析框架,将中国卫生筹资转型大致分为计划经济时期、经济转型时期、"后非典"时期和"新医改"以来4个阶段,并对每个阶段的主要特点和演变逻辑进行了分析.结论:应从系统结构功能层面提高卫生筹资体系的纵向"嵌入性"和横向"互补性";更加突出卫生筹资转型对维护隐性价值和防范公共风险的作用,完善价值与风险的双向权衡机制;统筹兼顾卫生筹资转型所涉及的卫生健康伦理原则,优化政府实际治理模式下的预算决策机制;高度重视现代医学发展的全局性和深层次影响,探索中国卫生筹资转型的长期战略和路径选择.

Objective:To comprehend the main characteristics and historical evolution of health finan-cing transition in China.Methods:Data were collected from various sources,including the Global Health Expenditure Database(GHED),China Health Statistics Yearbook,National Health Finance Annual Report,China's Total Health Expenditure Research Report,et al.Descriptive statistics and liter-ature study was conducted.Results:Since the beginning of the 21st century,most countries in the world had witnessed a transition of health financing,characterized by the expansion of health financing scale and the strengthening of public financing responsibility.Notably,China's health financing transition exhibited distinctive features.Firstly,there had been a more rapid expansion in health financing scale compared with global averages.Between 2000 and 2019,total health expenditure per capita experienced a remarkable increase of 816.6%at comparable prices,significantly surpassing average growth rates observed among other countries worldwide(102.1%).Secondly,greater efforts had been made to strengthen the responsibilities of public financing.From 2000 to 2019,there was a substantial decrease of 30.6 percentage points in the proportion of out-of-pocket health expenditure as a share of total health expenditure.This decline was significantly larger than the average reduction observed among other coun-tries worldwide(5.6 percentage points).Thirdly,there had been a significant shift in government health expenditure allocation patterns,with an increased emphasis on"demand-side subsidies"surpassing"supply-side subsidies".Within the realm of"supply-side subsidies",funding directed towards hospitals had notably increased and surpassed that allocated to primary healthcare institutions and public health institutions.Based on these distinctive characteristics,this paper expanded China's health financing tran-sition into three dimensions:Scale dimension,structure dimension and flow dimension.Using a compre-hensive analytical framework,the history of China's health financing transition was roughly divided into four stages:The planned economy stage,the economic transition stage,the post-SARS stage and the new health system reform stage.The main features and evolutionary logic associated with each stage were ana-lyzed.Conclusion:Above all,the health financing system should be enhanced in terms of vertical"em-beddedness"and horizontal"complementarity".Moreover,the significance of health financing transition in preserving hidden value and mitigating public risk should be emphasized,and there is a need for an improved two-way trade-off mechanism that balances value and risk.Additionally,the ethical principles associated with health financing transition should be considered comprehensively,while optimizing budget decision-making within the government's actual governance model.Lastly,it is crucial to recognize the overall and profound impact of modern medicine development and explore long-term strategies and path-ways for health financing transition in China.


北京大学公共卫生学院卫生政策与管理学系,北京 100191



Health financingHealth policyHealth expendituresHistoryChina

《北京大学学报(医学版)》 2024 (003)

462-470 / 9

国家社会科学基金青年项目(23CGL071)Supported by the Youth Project of the National Social Science Foundation(23CGL071)

