

Evaluation on Effects of Pharmaceutical Intervention on Clinical Application of National Essential Drugs in a Children's Hospital


目的:评价药学干预对某儿童医院国家基本药物使用情况的效果.方法:从医院信息系统分别抽取2021年(干预前)和2022年(干预后)某儿童医院国家基本药物使用数据,包括基本药物采购品种比、基本药物配备使用金额占比、门诊患者基本药物处方占比、门诊患者基本药物处方使用占比、住院患者基本药物使用率和住院患者基本药物使用占比,比较2021年与2022年各指标的全院增长率和不同临床科室的增长率.结果:与2021年相比,2022年我院基本药物采购品种比降低了 1.32%,基本药物配备使用金额占比增长率为2.26%,门诊患者基本药物处方占比增加了 13.82%,门诊患者基本药物处方使用占比增加了11.69%,住院患者基本药物使用率持平,住院患者基本药物使用占比增加了 1.30%.基本药物各项考核指标明显改善的科室包括心内科、新生儿科、综合内科、神经外科、感染性疾病科、新生儿重症监护室、耳鼻喉科、血液科1、外科监护室和血液科2.结论:我院基本药物使用情况经临床药师干预后有一定的改进成效,但基本药物配备使用金额占比和住院基本药物使用率仍未达到省考要求,需要药师与医师积极配合对患儿家属进行基本药物宣教,增加其对基本药物的信赖程度,同时呼吁国家能够增加国家基本药物目录中儿童专科用药品种,提高儿童用药的经济性和可及性.

Objective:To evaluate the effects of pharmaceutical intervention on clinical application of national essential drugs in a children's hospital.Methods:Clinical data of essential drugs in a children's hospital in 2021(before intervention)and 2022(after intervention)were respectively extracted from the hospital information system,including the proportion of varieties of essential drugs purchased,proportion of funds for essential drugs,proportion of prescriptions for essential drugs in outpatients,proportion of prescriptions for application of essential drugs in outpatients,application rate of essential drugs in inpatients and proportion of essential drugs in inpatients.The growth rate of the whole hospital and different clinical departments in 2022 and 2021 were compared.Results:Compared with 2021,the proportion of varieties of essential drugs purchased in 2022 decreased by 1.32%,the proportion of funds for essential drugs increased by 2.26%,the proportion of prescriptions for essential drugs in outpatients increased by 13.82%,the proportion of prescriptions for application of essential drugs in outpatients increased by 11.69%,and the application rate of essential drugs in inpatients remained unchanged,the proportion of essential drugs in inpatients increased by 1.30%.The departments with significant improvement in the assessment indicators of essential drugs included Cardiology,Neonatology,General Medicine,Neurosurgery,Infectious Diseases Department,Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,Otolaryngology,the First Hematology,Surgical Intensive Care Unit and the Second Hematology Department.Conclusion:The application of national essential drugs in our hospital has made some progress after the intervention by clinical pharmacists,yet the proportion of funds for essential drugs and application rate of essential drugs in inpatients still fail to meet the requirements of the provincial performance assessment of tertiary general hospitals.It is necessary for pharmacists and clinicians to actively cooperate with the families of children to carry out essential drugs education and increase the trust for essential drugs,and call on the state to increase the varieties of children's drugs in the National Essential Drugs List,so as to improve the economy and accessibility of children's drugs.


苏州大学附属儿童医院,江苏苏州 215001



national essential drugspharmaceutical carerational drug usechildren's hospitalclinical pharmacists

《儿科药学杂志》 2024 (006)

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