首页|期刊导航|气候变化研究进展|IPCC AR6相关甲烷研究进展分析及其对中国的启示

IPCC AR6相关甲烷研究进展分析及其对中国的启示OA北大核心CSTPCD

A review analysis of methane research progress related to IPCC AR6 and its implications for China


工业化以来,甲烷(CH4)造成的温升约0.5℃,减少CH4 排放对于稳步实现《巴黎协定》温升目标至关重要.IPCC第六次评估报告(IPCC AR6)显示,1960-2019年,CH4 对总有效辐射强迫(ERF)的相对贡献为11%,对比1750-2019年,CH4 对总ERF的相对贡献下降,这与20 世纪70 年代以来大气中CH4 浓度增长率发生变化有关.预估显示,到 2050 年全球CH4 排放有望实现高达 45%的减幅,届时将降低变暖峰值水平,并可有效减少全球表面臭氧,有助于改善空气质量.报告也指出,CH4 的源汇还存在很大不确定性,准确量化CH4 源汇并归因仍具有挑战性.随着我国发布《甲烷排放控制行动方案》,学界需加强CH4 源汇估算的研究,并进一步加强卫星监测大气CH4 浓度的反演算法,为我国CH4 相关管控政策提供数据支撑.

Since industrialization,methane(CH4)has caused a global mean surface temperature rise of about 0.5℃,and a reduction in CH4 emissions is critical to achieving the Paris Agreement's long-term temperature goal.According to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC),the relative contribution of CH4 to total effective radiative forcing(ERF)was 11%from 1960 to 2019,compared with the decrease in the relative contribution of CH4 to total ERF from 1750 to 2019.It was related to the change in the growth rate of CH4 concentration in the atmosphere since the 1970s.Projections show that global CH4 emissions are expected to be reduced by up to 45%by 2050,which will benefit reducing peak warming levels and global surface ozone concentration and helping to improve air quality.The report also points out that there is still a large uncertainty in the source and sink of CH4,and it is still challenging to accurately quantify the CH4 flux and attribute its changes.With the release of the Methane Emission Control Action Plan in China,the academic community needs to strengthen the research on CH4 source and sink estimations and make progress in the inversion algorithm for satellite monitoring of atmospheric CH4 concentration,to provide data support for CH4-related mitigation policies in China.


中国气象局国家气候中心,北京 100081

IPCC AR6甲烷(CH4)减排潜力

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report(AR6)Methane(CH4)Mitigation potential

《气候变化研究进展》 2024 (003)

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