

Research on carbon emission factors of regional and provincial power grids from 2005 to 2021


区域和省级电网碳排放因子是企业用电间接碳排放核算的重要基础,但官方数据存在时间不连续和较长滞后的问题.文中采用国家发改委公布的区域和省级电网碳排放因子计算方法,对 2005-2021 年电网碳排放因子进行计算.通过对比官方数据,验证了计算结果准确性,深入研究电网碳排放因子的分布特征、变化趋势及其差异,并对两种电网碳排放因子进行应用场景分析.结果表明,区域电网碳排放因子的空间分布呈东北高、西南低,省级电网碳排放因子的空间分布呈东部高、中西部低,2005-2021 年整体呈下降趋势,但地区间低碳发展的不均衡加剧.各省发电结构与输入电力来源不同导致省级电网碳排放因子与所在区域电网的碳排放因子存在较大差异,东部和中部省份的省级电网碳排放因子显著高于区域电网,西部省份相反.为提升行业企业电力碳排放核算准确度,优先选择省级电网碳排放因子;为评估同一区域内各行业企业的减排成效,应避免各省电力差异导致的不公平问题,优先选择区域电网碳排放因子.

The carbon emission factors of regional and provincial power grids are an important basis for accounting of the indirect carbon emissions of enterprise electricity consumption,but official data have problems of discontinuous time and long lag.In this paper,the regional and provincial power grid carbon emission factors from 2005 to 2021 were calculated by using the method published by the National Development and Reform Commission,People's Republic of China.By comparing official data,the accuracy of the calculation results was verified.In-depth research was conducted on the distribution characteristics,change trends,and differences of emission factors,and application scenario analyses were conducted on the two types of emission factors.The results indicate that the carbon emission factors in regional power grids are higher in the northeast and lower in the southwest,carbon emission factors in provincial power grids are higher in the east and lower in the central and west,with an overall downward trend from 2005 to 2021.However,the inequality in low-carbon development between regions has intensified.The different power generation structures and input power sources in different provinces lead to significant differences in emission factors between provincial power grids and regional power grids.The emission factors of provincial power grids in eastern and central provinces are significantly higher than those of regional power grids,while the emission factors of western provinces are the opposite.To improve the accuracy of carbon emissions accounting for industry enterprises,priority should be given to selecting provincial power grid emission factors;to evaluate the emission reduction effectiveness of enterprises in various industries within the same region,it is necessary to avoid unfair issues caused by power differences in different provinces and prioritize the selection of regional grid emission factors.


中国船舶集团有限公司第七一四研究所,北京 100020||中国人民大学环境学院,北京 100872中国船舶集团有限公司第七一四研究所,北京 100020中国人民大学环境学院,北京 100872广船国际有限公司,广州 511466山东大学计算机科学与技术学院,青岛 250101


Regional power gridProvincial power gridCarbon emission factorCarbon emission accountingCarbon emissions of electricity

《气候变化研究进展》 2024 (003)

337-350 / 14


