

Contact Pressure and Friction Performance Analysis of the Surfaces of End Seal Before and After Textured Treatment at Different Roughnesses



The friction performance of end seal surface has great effect on the stable operation of rotary vane actuator.The contact pressure and friction performance of end seal before and after texturing treatment under different roughness were studied,and the relationship between roughness,texturing treatment and friction performance of end seal was comprehensively analyzed.MATLAB and COMSOL were combined to establish the finite element model of end seal to simulate and analyze the contact pressure distribution under different conditions,such as different roughness and whether or not the texturing treatment.The end seal friction distribution was obtained in conjunction with corresponding friction experiments.Considering the vane seal lubrication model,the total friction calculation model of rotary vane actuator was established.Finally,the accuracy of the theoretical analysis was verified through the rotary vane actuator experiments.The results show that under a certain amount of pre-compression,with the increase of roughness,the contact pressure increases gradually.Under the oil lubrication condition,the friction performance of the textured surface is better than that of the untreated surface.The total friction calculation model established can be used to analyze the friction performance of rotary vane actuator under the conditions of different roughness and so on.


武汉科技大学 机械自动化学院,湖北 武汉 430081湖北汽车工业学院机械工程学院,湖北十堰 442002



rotary vane actuatorend sealsurface roughnesssurface texturefriction performance

《液压与气动》 2024 (006)

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