

Policy evolution of healthy villages and towns in China:A quantitative analysis of policy documents


目的 分析我国健康村镇相关政策文本,剖析现有政策体系存在的问题、演变趋势与现状,以期为优化完善健康村镇发展政策提供参考.方法 以我国2012年以来国家和省级(自治区、直辖市)层面出台的54份健康村镇相关政策为研究样本,基于ROST CM6软件文本挖掘技术和政策工具理论,运用内容分析法对政策文本进行统计分析.结果 从政策效力看,健康村镇政策文件中包含行政法规4份(7.41%),部门规章4份(7.41%),党内法规制度2份(3.7%),地方规范性文件17份(31.48%),地方工作文件27份(50%),法律、地方性法规及地方政府规章没有涉及;政策文本内容主要涵盖健康村镇的建设领域、建设内容、建设机制及建设主体,相关政策在内容主题、发布数量、政策形式上呈现循序渐进的演变趋势;政策工具使用情况中,环境型政策工具使用频率最高,占比60.70%;其次为供给型政策工具,占比31.38%;最后为需求型政策工具,占比7.92%.结论 我国健康村镇建设工作体系不断完善,从单一主体向多元参与、从粗放式管理到精细化发展转变,但仍存在政策发布总量偏少、核心政策和可操作性层面政策颁布不足、政策权威性较低、政策执行力有待提高、政策工具使用不均衡等问题.建议进一步健全健康村镇政策体系、强化多方协同、优化调整政策工具结构,构建健康村镇建设新模式,助力"健康中国行动"的全面推进和深入落实.

Objective To analyze the policy documents on healthy villages and towns in China for the problems,evolution trends and status quo of the existing policy system to provide reference for optimizing the de-velopment policies of healthy villages and towns.Methods Based on the Text mining technology of ROST CM6 software and the theory of policy tools,we used content analysis to conduct a statistical analysis of policy docu-ments with 54 relevant policies of healthy villages and towns issued at the national and provincial(autonomous re-gions and municipalities directly under the Central Government)levels since 2012.Results In terms of policy ef-fectiveness,policy documents included four administrative regulations(7.41%),four departmental regulations(7.41%),two party regulations and systems(3.7%),17 local normative documents(31.48%),and 27 local working documents(50%),with no laws,local regulations or local government regulations involved.The content of policy documents mainly covered the development areas,contents,mechanisms and subjects of healthy villages and towns,with gradual evolution in the content subjects,number of publications and form of policies.Among pol-icy tools,environmental policy tools were used most frequently,accounting for 60.70%of all the policy tools,fol-lowed by supply-based policy tools(31.38%)and demand-based policy tools(7.92%).Conclusions China's healthy villages and towns system has been constantly improved,from a local government's responsibility to multi-lateral participation,from loose-expansive management to refined and prevision development.However,building healthy villages and towns still faces many challenges,including a limited number of policy guidelines from the governments,insufficient promulgation of core policies and operational policies,poor policy authority,low policy uptake implementation,and uneven use of policy tools.Therefore,recommendations for improving the policy sys-tem of healthy villages and towns in China include strengthening the coordination of multiple stakeholders and opti-mizing the structure of policy tools to build a new model for the development of healthy villages and towns and em-power the comprehensive and in-depth implementation of the Healthy China Initiative.


浙江大学医学院公共卫生学院,浙江杭州 310058||浙江省爱国卫生发展中心,浙江杭州 310006浙江省爱国卫生发展中心,浙江杭州 310006浙江大学医学院公共卫生学院,浙江杭州 310058



Healthy villages and townsPolicy documentText miningPolicy toolsQuantitative analy-sisHealthy China

《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2024 (005)

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