

Ultrastructure and physiological characteristics of sperm in Hapalo-genys mucronatus


为探究横带髭鲷(Hapalogenys mucronatus)精子形态和生理特性,以提高人工繁殖的受精率,利用扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜观察其精子结构,并设置不同梯度的盐度、pH和温度,探讨横带髭鲷精子快速运动时间、寿命与环境因子的关系.结果表明:横带髭鲷精子由头部、中部和鞭毛3段组成,精子头部呈近球形或椭球形,头部直径为(1.56±0.05)μm,细胞核中染色质高度浓缩,核膜紧贴于质膜,无顶体;中段主要由袖套腔与中心粒复合体构成;鞭毛细长有侧鳍,为典型"9+2"微管结构.横带髭鲷精子的适宜盐度范围为22~28,盐度为26时精子寿命达到最大值425 s;适宜pH范围为7~10,在pH为7时,精子活力最强,精子寿命达到最大值430 s;适宜温度范围18~26 ℃,在水温为22 ℃时精子寿命最长,为427 s.综上所述,建议横带髭鲷卵子和精子受精时的最佳水环境盐度为 24~26、pH 为 7~8、温度为 20~22 ℃.

To explore the sperm morphology and physiological characteristics of Hapalogenys mucronatus and enhance the fertilization rate of artificial reproduction,sperm structure was observed using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy under varying gradients of salinity,pH,and temperature.Our aim was to investigate the relationship between the rapid movement time,life span,and environmental factors of H.mucronatus sperm.The results showed that the sperm of H.mucronatus consisted of three parts:the head,middle part,and flagella.The head of the sperm was nearly spherical or ellipsoidal,with a diameter of(1.56±0.05)pm.Chromatin in the nucleus was highly concentrated,and the nuclear membrane was close to the plasma membrane without the acrosome.The middle part was mainly composed of a sleeve cavity and a centriole complex.The flagellum is slender and has lateral fins,which is a typical"9+2"microtubule structure.The suitable salinity range for Hapalogenys mucronatus sperm was 22-28,and the sperm lifespan reached a maximum value of 425 s when the salinity was 26.The optimum pH range was 7-10.Sperm motility was the strongest at pH 7,and sperm lifespan reached a maximum of 430 s.The suitable temperature range is 18-26 ℃,and the longest sperm life is 427 s when the water temperature is 22 ℃.It is suggested that the optimum water environment conditions for the fertilization of eggs and sperm of H.mucronatus are salinity 24-26,temperature 20-22 ℃,and pH 7-8.


浙江海洋大学海洋与渔业研究所,浙江舟山 316021浙江省海洋水产研究所,浙江省海水增养殖重点实验室,浙江舟山 316021



Hapalogenys mucronatusspermultrastructureenvironmental factorssperm viabitity

《中国水产科学》 2024 (003)

257-265 / 9


